A Guide On How To Measure Your Waist Correctly
Measuring an individual’s waist is crucial for assessing internal fat deposits that surround the heart. It can indicate a person’s current health status, with a larger waistline suggesting a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.
Along with health concerns, waist size also plays a role when you're shopping for new pants - to make sure they fit comfortably. So, let’s look at how to measure your waist and reduce its size:
How To Measure Waist: Step-By-Step Instructions
Measuring your waist is not complicated; it just requires a good measuring tape that is not elastic. If the tape feels elastic, you should quickly replace it, as it would only give inaccurate readings and mess up your findings.
Here are the steps on how to do a proper measurement at home:
- Start by wearing thin clothes around the abdomen and hips. For better accuracy, you can also measure without any clothing on the upper body.
- Stand tall with an upright back. Doing the measurement in a standing pose will yield a more accurate result.
- Grab the measuring tape with both hands.
- Place the tape at the top of the hipbone and base of the rib cage. Your waist is the fleshy part between these bony structures.
- Start by sticking one end of the tape at the front, then wrap it gently across the waist.
- Look for any folds or creases in the measuring tape, since these factors could lead to deceptive final results. Also, make sure the tape stays straight across your back.
- Breathe in and out as you place the tape around the waist.
- Remember to wrap the measuring tape gently. An aggressive press could actually cause some errors. Loosely wrapping the tape would also lead to incorrect findings.
- When the measuring tape is placed correctly, it wraps around and meets the starting point. Take note of where it touches - that’s the result.
- Conduct the measurement process 2 to 3 times to get a consistent finding. If there is consistency, then the number becomes your official measurement value.
What Is The Healthy Waist Measurement Value?
Checking the waist size is good to determine if we are healthy or unhealthy. Moreover, a person's sex also matters - males and females both have different ideal waistline values.
For men, healthy waist size = 40 inches or less
For women, healthy waist size = 35 inches or less
We can see that women generally have smaller waist sizes compared to men, thanks to differences in fat distribution, hormones, and body composition.
Health Risk Of Exceeding These Values
If the numbers exceed the aforementioned limits, it may indicate underlying risks, especially type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Consult a doctor immediately if you notice a measurement exceeding the healthy range.
However, there can be exceptions. For instance, bloated stomachs / pregnancy may also display larger measurements, but these are usually normal conditions. That is why it's crucial to double-check before leaping to conclusions.
Other Measurement Methods To Consider
Although using a simple measuring tape to check the waistline can help assess an individual's well-being, there are also other methods we can use to gather more detailed health results. Here are two of them:
1. Body Mass Index
BMI is a fantastic method to gauge our health and they take our height and weight into factor. Understanding how to calculate BMI is important for any fitness enthusiast since it provides useful data on potential risks and body fat.
The formula for calculating BMI is: weight in kg / square of height in m (m2)
Interpreting The Results
The higher the BMI, the more body fat we tend to have. BMI can help determine a person’s weight category. If the value is below 18.5, it indicates being underweight. An optimal range falls between 18.5 and 24.9. Anything from 25 up to 29.9 is considered overweight. If the values come between 30 and 40, people would be suffering from obesity.
However, we should know that BMI alone cannot determine the health of an individual. Doctors usually apply multiple methods along with the BMI to understand the underlying health situations.
2. Waist To Height Ratio
The second measurement technique to understand our health status is the "waist to height ratio". As the name suggests, this method involves dividing our waist size by our height. The circumference can be measured using the aforementioned tape method, while the height can be taken with the same tape.
Remember that the measurement is done in same units, typically in cm. The results we get can effectively help us check how much fat is distributed in our waist.
Interpreting The Results
A lower risk level is considered if the waist-to-height ratio comes out between 0.4 to 0.49. This is the best range to keep chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease at bay.
We would be at moderate risk if the value falls between 0.5 and 0.59. This means we're at a moderate risk of developing these chronic health conditions. It's crucial to take care of our bodies during this stage with proper diet and fitness regimen, in order to lower the risk rather than jumping to the high-risk level.
When the waist-to-height ratio is more than 0.6, then we are at the highest risk level of developing chronic diseases.
What Factors Affect The Waist Size?
Waist size varies between individuals. Some may have larger measurements, while others may have smaller sizes. Several factors are known to influence waist size, resulting in this variability. Some of these include:
1. Genetics
The major factor that causes variations in the waist size of people is genetics. Some genetic patterns impact the fat storage around the abdomen. If our genetics state that we are storing more fats, then there is nothing we can do to alter it.
The body shapes are also influenced by genetics. For instance, someone with an "apple" shape tends to store fat around waistline, which makes for a larger waist measurement. On the other hand, somebody with a "pear" shape stores fat around the hips, leading to a smaller waist size.
2. Level Of Physical Activity
Physical activities can determine the fat level we have in our waist area. A person with a sedentary lifestyle is likely to have a bigger size due to the accumulation of fat over time. People who spend most of their days sitting will face more of this situation too.
Regularly exercising can help trim down the fat in abdomen. Engaging in cardio exercises like running, jumping rope, and cycling could help burn stored fat. Regular workouts may lower the body fat percentage, ultimately leading to a toned waist.
3. Presence Of Stress
Consistent mental stress could put a toll on your health, including more fat storage in the abdominal area. When the cortisol hormone gets released in large quantities, the waist can see an expansion over time. This is often referred to as a phenomenon known as “stress belly”.
Moreover, stress can also disrupt the appetite. Stressful times can make the person crave more sugary foods, which can result in fat deposition in the abdomen. Getting stressed for a long time could lead to chronic stress which may slow our metabolic rate as well.
4. Hormonal Changes
Just like cortisol, changes or imbalances in the hormone level could also affect our waist size. In women, estrogen can play a big role in shaping the waist. When they are going through menopause, women develop thicker waists due to the redistribution of fat in abdomen.
In men, a decrease in testosterone can lead to an increase in abdominal fat, making the waist bigger and thicker. Insulin, another hormone, can also affect waist size, especially when its production becomes very high.
5. Intake Of Foods
What food we consistently eat also decides our waist size measurement. Certain types of food will contribute more to the accumulation of abdominal fat. For instance, sugary foods are the primary cause of a bigger waist since it is commonly found in our diet.
Other foods include processed items and alcoholic beverages. These foods can promote weight gain, which may be counterproductive if we desire loss of weight in the abs.
6. Lack Of Proper Sleep
Not getting healthy hours of sleep could also result in an increase in waist size due to eventual fat accumulation. Some of the reasons for poor sleep are high stress and disrupted appetite. These factors help the body remain active in the middle of the night.
Proper sleep helps burn fat effectively, and without it, this crucial process is disturbed. Moreover, poor sleeping habits can decrease insulin sensitivity, making it harder for the body to process carbohydrates and sugar.
Tips To Reduce Waist Size
1. Exercise Regularly
One way to maintain healthy waist size is to incorporate a workout session into our weekly routine. Exercises like squats, lunges, russian twists, and push-ups can help maintain strong abdominal muscles.
A weekly moderate exercise session of 150 minutes can be all that we need to keep our body fit and active. If we want more challenges, then we could try strength training workouts like bench presses and deadlifts. HIIT workouts are also getting trendy these days.
2. Have Balanced Diet
Balanced diet is key to maintaining healthy muscle and fat mass. Instead of focusing on processed food and sugary diet, we must opt for lean proteins, green veggies, whole grains, and good fats. Before buying any packaged foods, we must make a habit of reading the label as well.
Create a habit of intermittent fasting and portion control to maintain your weight. Avoid alcohol, as it adds empty calories that aren't beneficial and only contribute to weight gain.
3. Stay Hydrated
It is important to drink enough water every day to remain healthy and maintain a proper waist size. More water to the body suggests better metabolism, which can ultimately help torch more calories. Water keeps our digestive system running smoothly, while also preventing water retention.
Drinking water also aids to reduce hunger. When we consume some water before our meal, it makes our stomach fuller. This phenomenon can make us eat less, contributing to less consumption of calories.
4. Meditation And Deep Breathing
Let us practice breathing techniques and meditation to keep our stress under control. These methods help calm the minds, bring a sense of relaxation, and spread positive vibes.
Practice them regularly to build resistance against stress and anxiety. We can also try various yoga stretches like child’s pose to get a good relief from mental stress.
5. Make A Bedtime Routine
Create a habit of sleeping for 6 to 8 hours every day, aiming to go to bed and wake up at the same time. This consistency helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle and keeps our body energized.
If falling asleep feels like a struggle, try calming activities like reading a book or listening to our favorite songs. Just be sure to steer clear of screens - no phones or TV before bedtime.
Average Waist Size For Men And Women
Per the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey, the average waist size for women in the United States is 38.7 inches (for height of 63.5 inches). Younger ladies typically have smaller waists compared to older ones. Females aged 20-29 measure 36.3 inches on average; those aged 40-49 average 39.2 inches.
Men have a larger average waist size than women, at 40.5 inches (for height of 69 inches). Just as women, young men tend to have smaller waistlines compared to older ones. For instance, men aged 20–29 have average waist size of 37.1 inches, while those aged 40–49 average 41.4 inches.
Disclaimer: The content presented in this article is only intended to be used for information purposes. It should not be taken as a form of medical / clinical advice.
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