13 Breathing Techniques To Bring Calm And Relieve Anxiety

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Practicing breathing techniques can be extremely helpful in soothing anxiety and bringing a sense of calm. They are easy to perform and provide a faster way to induce relaxation. However, with so many techniques out there, choosing the best ones can be tough.

So, we have uncovered 13 different types of breathing methods to help relax the mind and body:

1. Box Breathing Technique

Source : pexels

The first breathing technique on the list is Box breathing, aka 4-4-4-4 breathing. It is among the easiest but most useful techniques for relaxing and balancing anxiety. After practicing this technique over time, you will feel calm and fresh throughout the day.

Steps To Follow:

  • Take deep breaths in through the nose for four seconds.
  • Hold your breath for four seconds.
  • Again, breathe out slowly through the mouth for four seconds.
  • Keep cycling this over and over again until you feel relaxed.

2. Alternate Nostril Breathing

Source : pexels

Alternate Nostril Breathing is an effective breathing exercise for reducing anxiety and soothing the nervous system. It also aids in relieving stress and maintaining balance in the body.

Steps To Follow:

  • Sit comfortably and relax the shoulders.
  • Close the right nose with the thumb and breathe in through the left nose.
  • Now, shut the left nose and release the air through the right.
  • Then, inhale through the right nose.
  • Shut the right nostril again and exhale out from the left.
  • Repeat this cycle for several rounds.

3. Breath Focus Technique

Source : freepik

It is a simple way of relaxing and cooling down anxiety. You need to focus on the sensation of each inhalation and exhalation in this breathing technique for mindful stress reduction.

Steps To Follow:

  • Sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet area.
  • Start deep inhalation after closing your eyes.
  • Pay attention to the feeling of breathing in and out.
  • Focus on each breath for 2 to 4 minutes.

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Source : pexels

This is a deep breathing exercise that calms the body and improves oxygen intake. The process also helps soothe the mind and slow the heartbeat, allowing you to feel relaxed.

Steps To Follow:

  • Start by lying down or sitting comfortably.
  • Rest one hand on belly and other on the chest.
  • Inhale deeply from the nose by raising the stomach.
  • After that, release the breath out of your mouth very gently.
  • Practice for several minutes by focusing on deep and calm breathing.

5. Lion’s Breathing

Source : youtube

A lively and energetic breathing technique, Lion's Breath helps the body release tension and energize itself. This method boosts confidence by promoting a sense of empowerment.

Steps To Follow:

  • With your back straight, get seated in a comfy mat.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose.
  • Spread your lips wide and stick out the tongue.
  • Release the air while making the "ha" sound by using your mouth.
  • Perform for 1 to 2 minutes.

6. Equal Breathing

Source : pexels

Equal breathing concentrates on making the inhalations and exhalations of the same length. This smooth and steady technique can bring about balance and stability.

Steps To Follow:

  • Take a comfortable seating posture.
  • Breathe in and out slowly via the nose.
  • Each inhale and exhale should take an equal duration.
  • Take a short pause after each breath.
  • Continue this process for 2 to 3 minutes.

7. Humming Bee Breathing

Source : instagram

Humming Bee Breath (Bhramari) is a soothing technique in which one produces a humming sound while releasing the breath. The vocal cord vibrates in this process, which generally helps release stress and relax the nervous system.

Steps To Follow:

  • Sit comfortably by keeping your back straight.
  • Shut your eyes with your fingers.
  • Breathe in through your nose slowly.
  • Breathe out even more slowly through your mouth with a soft humming sound.
  • Feel the hum vibration inside your head.
  • Do this several times daily.

8. Pursed Lip Breathing

Source : pexels

Pursed lip breathing is a relaxation technique that enriches lung function and calms the respiratory system. Learning to control your breath also decreases anxiety and feelings of dyspnea.

Steps To Follow:

  • Breathe in slowly through the nose.
  • Begin to blow in as if you are going to whistle.
  • The exhalation must be longer than the inhalation.
  • Repeat this for 3 to 4 minutes.

9. Resonance Breathing

Source : pexels

This method works miracles and proves to be very active in stimulating calmness and focus. Coordinating heart rate with breathing patterns by taking a few deep breaths can help an individual achieve better relaxation and focus.

Steps To Follow:

  • Put your legs crossed and sit on the floor.
  • Slowly close the eyes.
  • Breathe in by the nose while counting to five.
  • Exhale through your nose while counting back to five again.
  • Perform at least 5 to 10 minutes every day for a better result.

10. 4-7-8 Breathing

Source : youtube

It is a restful approach that helps release tension and allows you to fall asleep easily. This technique uses the rhythm of a 4-7-8 breathing process to promote mental clarity and emotional tranquility.

Steps To Follow:

  • Close the eyes and breathe in deep by the nose.
  • Take resonant breaths for 4 seconds.
  • Then, hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  • Now, exhaling through the mouth should be done for 8 seconds.
  • Do this for at least four cycles.

11. Mindful Breathing

Source : pexels

This is another easy and effective breathing method for creating a sense of calm. By focusing on every single breath in and out, you will practice mindfulness and lower your level of stress.

Steps To Follow:

  • Position yourself either seated or lying down.
  • Then, close your eyes.
  • Raise the chest as you take a deep breath through the nose.
  • Slowly blow it out through your mouth.
  • Do this for a few more minutes and enjoy the calm feeling.

12. Visualization Breathing

Source : freepik

Breathing visualization involves deep breathing and mental imagery that can help improve focus and relaxation. This technique diminishes stress and promotes mental health by inducing serene thoughts with deep inhalation of air.

Steps To Follow:

  • Take deep breaths to let the body relax.
  • Imagine being in some relaxed environment (like a forest or river)
  • Keep your mind relaxed while inhaling and exhaling.
  • Repeat for 4 to 6 minutes.

13. Ujjayi Breathing

Source : youtube

Aka Ocean Breathing, it is a commonly used breathing technique in yoga. You narrow your throat at the back of your neck, creating an ocean-like soft sound as you breathe in and out. This brings inner stillness, awareness, and improved concentration.

Steps To Follow:

  • Sit comfortably with your spine straight.
  • Inhale deeply into your nose.
  • While exhaling, draw the back of your throat down to produce a 'whooshing' sound.
  • Now, make the sound again by inhaling with the nose this time.
  • Perform this for 4 to 5 minutes and feel the peace inside the body.

How Breathing Calms Your Body and Mind?

Breathing is extremely good for the body and mind. Good breathing techniques promote respiratory health and enable the improvement of cardiovascular performance through greater oxygen intake.

It soothes the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety by promoting calm. Deep breathing with controlled rhythms also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which develops clarity of mind.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be taken as a medical advice.

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