12 Transverse Abdominis Exercises To Build Strong Ab Muscles

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The transverse abdominis, aka TrA, is a deep core muscle essential for core strength and reducing back pain. Often overshadowed by the rectus abdominis, many ab workouts tend to target the rectus more, leaving the TrA overlooked.

Neglecting this crucial muscle could undermine overall abdominal fitness. So, let’s look at the 12 transverse abdominis exercises that can help strengthen this often-ignored inner ab muscle.

1. Dead Bug

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One of the top exercises for transverse abdominis, the dead bug activates this deep core muscle quite effectively. It is also fantastic for older people looking to enhance their balance and coordination.

This move gets its name because the position looks like a bug lying on its back. The hand and leg movements mimic how bugs flail around trying to flip over.

Steps To Do It:

  • Lie down on the ground in a supinated position. The back must be straight and the head should be touching the floor.
  • Extend both arms upward in a straight line. There should not be bend at elbows.
  • Bend your knees and lift the legs from the floor. The legs should form a 90-degree angle.
  • Take deep breath, and extend the left arm and right leg at same time. The left arm must go overhead while the right leg will extend away from body.
  • Straighten the extended arm and leg fully, and do not let them touch the ground - keep them hovering at 4 to 6 inches from the floor.
  • Return the limbs back to their starting position and switch sides.
  • Practice this exercise for 10 to 12 reps.

2. Plank

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When people think about strengthening the core muscles, a plank always comes to mind. This exercise is popular for a reason - it helps draw the core inward and forces the muscles to contract, increasing the pressure on the abdomen.

Holding the plank pose for more than a minute every day could promote better stability as well. We must also avoid holding our breath while doing the plank workout.

Steps To Do It:

  • Get into a tabletop pose with the arms under shoulders and knees under the hips.
  • Now, push your legs back and place them at hip width distance. The toes should be supporting the lower body.
  • You can lift the torso to accommodate straight arms. Otherwise, you could go for a low plank version by resting on the forearms.
  • The legs should be extended straight without a bend in the knees.
  • The head needs to be gazing down at the floor to align the neck and back.
  • Stay in this position for 30 seconds to a minute.
  • Continue practicing this exercise for 5 to 7 reps.

3. Hollow-Body Hold

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This exercise is known to target the deep transverse abdominis muscle when we lift the legs off the floor. Here, we have to force the lower back to stay on the ground, and this causes powerful tension in the ab muscles.

Hollow body hold also engages various other muscles like inner thighs, erector spinae, obliques, and hip flexor muscles. This makes it a fantastic workout to include in various fitness regimens.

Steps To Do It:

  • Roll a comfortable mat and sit on it in a supinated pose. Place the arms overhead with full extension.
  • The legs should also be extended straight ahead. Avoid overarching the back to prevent spinal injuries.
  • Slowly raise the legs and arms a few inches off the floor. Engage the core muscles as you lift the limbs.
  • You need to lift the head as well. Try to align the head with your lifted arms.
  • The lower back should touch the ground firmly, and resist lifting it to get a powerful stretch in the TrA muscle.
  • Stay in the hollow-body hold pose for 30 seconds, then lower the limbs.
  • Practice this workout for desired number of reps.

4. Bird Dog

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The bird dog exercise also stretches the TrA muscle when we stretch our arms and legs in opposite directions. Maintaining the bird dog pose for a long time may be challenging for a beginner, but it engages those deep core muscles quite effectively.

Moreover, the bird dog is also responsible for enhancing body balance. This perk is especially useful for seniors, who see their stability falter due to old age.

Steps To Do It:

  • Start by getting on all fours. The knees should be under hips while the hands will be under shoulders.
  • Engage the core, and raise the left arm and right leg at the same time. Extend the left arm forward, while the right leg should extend behind.
  • Bring them up until the arm, leg, and back form a straight line.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds. Elongate the limbs to feel a good stretch in the muscles.
  • Maintain a straight back and neutral neck while performing the stretch.
  • Return to the starting position with slow, controlled momentum.
  • Continue the activity for 10 to 12 reps.

5. Goblet Squat

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This squat variation is great for engaging the transverse abdominis muscle when we lower the body down. Going for a full squat also aids to enhance stability by forcing the core to work harder.

This exercise requires a weight like a dumbbell or kettlebell. The weight will lower down with the hips, adding an extra challenge for the TrA muscle.

Steps To Do It:

  • Grab a dumbbell / kettlebell with both hands and place it at your chest level.
  • The feet should be wider than shoulder width apart, and the toes should be pointed outwards for better stability.
  • The back needs to be straight while the chest should puff out.
  • Now, bend at the knees and lower the hips slowly. This makes you go into the squat pose.
  • Go as low as possible. In this variation, there is no need to stop when the thighs become parallel to the ground.
  • Push your hips up to get back to the starting pose. Press the heels to get lifted without facing balancing issues.
  • Perform the activity for desired number of reps.

6. Pilates 100

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Grab an exercise mat and perform the Pilates 100, a fantastic transverse abdominis workout that’s named after the 100 arm pumps we’ll do while keeping our legs and shoulders lifted.

This dynamic move may remind us of the Hollow-Body Hold, but it stands out thanks to the arm movements. It’s a great fit for our warm-up routine when preparing the stage for strength training.

Steps To Do:

  • Start by lying on the ground with your arms by your sides and legs extended.
  • Raise the legs without bending the knees. Keep them at 45-degree angle to the floor.
  • Now, lift the head and shoulders as well. Do not crane the neck too much as it could lead to muscle strains.
  • Lift the arms a few inches from the floor with the palms facing down.
  • Pump the arms up and down 100 times. Breathe properly to make the exercise more effective. You can inhale for the first 5 reps, then exhale for next 5 reps.
  • Practice this exercise for desired number of reps.

7. Toe Taps

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Toe Taps is a simple workout for transverse abdominis that can be easily done at home. This pilates move engages the muscles when the legs get raised and then drop down to touch the toes. It is fantastic for working the obliques and rectus abdominis as well.

Perform the toe taps with perfect form - the back must not be overarched or rounded. Moreover, the legs should not be lifted too high in order to reduce strain.

Steps To Do It:

  • Lie down on the floor faceup with arms by your sides and knees bent at table top pose.
  • The knees should be at 90-degree angle to the floor, while the shins must be parallel to the ground.
  • Engage the core, and lower the right toes toward the floor. Maintain a bend in the knee during this phase.
  • Once the right toes touch the ground, bring them back to the initial position. Then, perform the same action for the left leg’s toes.
  • The back must remain straight throughout the process. The neck should be aligned with the back too.
  • Repeat this process for 10 reps on each side.

8. Knee Hovers

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This workout may feel just like a plank since we have to work our core muscles harder to maintain the hold. Doing this exercise consistently could help build endurance too, making it a great option for athletes who’re looking to enhance their sports performance.

Perform this workout together with the planks to introduce a variety of fitness routines and get an overall core stability boost. 

Steps To Do It:

  • With a straight back and relaxed shoulders, get into the tabletop pose.
  • Press through the palms and toes to lift the knees off the ground. Raise them a few inches only. This creates the “hovering” of the knees.
  • Keep the core engaged throughout the movement. The toes should be placed hip width apart for balance.
  • The head needs to be gazing down at the floor to align your neck with the back.
  • Hold the Knee Hovers pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
  • Perform this activity for desired number of reps.

9. Flutter Kicks

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When we move our legs up and down while lying down on the floor, constant tension is produced in the deep core muscles to keep the lower back stable. This tension helps strengthen the TrA muscle effectively and promotes stability and endurance in the process.

If the lower back gets arched easily while doing the exercise, we should reduce the range of motion to accommodate perfect form. We should not practice this move if we suffer from back pain.

Steps To Do It:

  • To do this exercise, lie down on the floor with the back flat and legs extended.
  • The arms must be by your sides. You can also place them outward to form a T-shape.
  • Next, raise the legs a few inches from the ground. This sets the stage for flutter kicks.
  • Start moving the right leg up and down, followed by the left leg. When the right leg goes up, the left one must come down.
  • You should not lift the back while doing the flutter kicks. This defeats the purpose of engaging the transverse abdominis.
  • Continue performing this activity for desired number of reps.

10. Mountain Climbers

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Mountain climbers are an excellent workout for increasing the strength of deep core muscles. Driving the knees close to the chest while sitting in a plank pose will add powerful contraction in the abdomen.

Not only is this exercise useful for the transverse abdominis muscle, but it also engages the obliques and rectus abdominis to a great degree. For an extra challenge, try doing this in a low plank pose.

Steps To Do It:

  • Get into a plank pose. The legs should be extended behind while the hands will be under the shoulders.
  • Engage the core muscles and bring your left leg forward. There should be a bend at the knee.
  • When the bent leg reaches the chest, bring the leg back to its original position.
  • Repeat the same movement with right leg, alternating between each one. This action mimics the motion of running.
  • Practice the Mountain Climbers for 20 reps on each side.

11. High Knees

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Performing the High Knees exercise helps to engage the TrA muscle when the knees reach up towards the chest. This workout mimics the motion of jogging, but it is usually done in a fixed place.

This cardio exercise is also known to burn calories and enhance the lower body muscles. Ensure that the knee joints are moving properly before committing to this exercise.

Steps To Do It:

  • Stand tall with an upright back and feet close to each other. The shoulders need to be back and down. Let the arms hang by your sides.
  • Lift your right leg by bending at the knee, bringing it up until the knee reaches your upper body, preferably around the lower chest area. 
  • Then, lower down the leg without shifting the leg’s position.
  • Once your foot touches the ground, raise your left leg and repeat the process.
  • The arms should be swinging in sync with the lifted leg - right hand with left leg, and left hand with right leg.

12. Leg Raises

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Lifting one leg while sitting on the floor engages deep core muscles and helps maintain pelvic and spinal stability. We can lift both legs together or focus on one leg at a time for unilateral training. This move also targets the glutes and hip flexors.

Steps To Do It:

  • Start by lying down on the floor in a supinated position. Keep the back flat and shoulders relaxed.
  • Support your head with the arms. Make sure the palms are facing down.
  • Press through the palms to raise the legs together.
  • Go as high as possible. Do not bend the knees and point the toes to the ceiling.
  • Slowly bring the legs down to the starting position.
  • Continue doing this activity for 10 to 12 reps.

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