15+ Best Beginner Warm Up Exercises to Prevent Injury

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Warming up is often overlooked but crucial for preventing injuries and enhancing workout performance. Warm up exercises target key muscle groups, increase flexibility, and gradually elevate heart rate.

Let us explore over 15 warm up exercises to do. Incorporating these warm-up moves into your fitness regimen can reduce the risk of strains, pulls, and joint pain, enabling you to enjoy your workouts safely and effectively.

1. Arm Circles

Arm circles are a simple yet effective warm-up move that gets your shoulders, arms, and upper back ready for action. They help increase blood flow, promote better mobility, and loosen up those stiff muscles.

Whether you're gearing up for a workout or just shaking off the cobwebs, arm circles are a solid go-to to keep injuries at bay.

How To Do It?

  • Stand tall, stretch your arms out to the sides, and start making small circles with your hands.
  • Slowly increase the size of the circles, going forward for about 30 seconds, then reverse the direction.
  • Keep it chill and don’t rush. Feel the light burn as you loosen up!

2. Jumping Jack

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One of the best warm up exercises, Jumping jacks are a classic warm-up move that gets your heart pumping and your whole body engaged. They're super easy to do and great for loosening up those muscles before diving into your workout.

Plus, they can increase your heart rate, improve circulation, and get your joints ready to move. This makes them perfect for injury prevention.

How To Do It?

  • Start by standing tall, feet together, and arms at your sides.
  • Jump up, spread your legs wide, and clap your hands overhead.
  • Jump back to the starting position. Repeat.
  • Keep it smooth and steady. It's perfect for getting that blood flowing and muscles warmed up.

3. Inchworm

The Inchworm is a super effective, full-body warm-up exercise that's perfect for beginners. It’s simple but gets your muscles moving and your blood pumping. The Inchworm aids in loosening up your hamstrings, shoulders, and core while waking up your whole body.

How To Do It?

  • Start by standing tall, then bend over and touch your toes.
  • Walk your hands forward into a plank position, hold for a sec, then walk your feet up to meet your hands.
  • Repeat the process like a lil' worm, inching across the floor.

4. Push-Ups

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A classic, no-fuss exercise that gets your blood pumping and muscles ready to work, Push-ups are well-known in the fitness world and perfect for beginners.

They can help build strength in your chest, shoulders, and arms while engaging your core. Likewise, they're super convenient, i.e. you can do them anywhere, anytime, without any fancy equipment.

How To Do It?

  • Start in a plank position, hands under shoulders.
  • Keep your body straight like a board, lower yourself by bending your elbows, then push back up.
  • Don’t let your hips sag, keep everything tight. Maintain the movement slow and controlled.
  • Start with a few reps, then add more as you gradually progress.

5. Knee Push-Ups

If regular push-ups feel a bit too tough right now, knee push-ups are your go-to move. They’re a gentler version that still works your chest, shoulders, and arms, but with less strain.

They are perfect for easing into a workout routine or warming up those muscles without overdoing it.

How To Do It?

  • Drop into a push-up position, but this time, keep your knees on the ground.
  • Keep your hands under the shoulders, the core tight, and lower your chest toward the floor by bending your elbows.
  • Push back up to the starting position. It’s like a regular push-up, just easier on the joints.

6. Lunges

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Lunges are a go-to move for warming up those legs and glutes. They're simple yet super effective for preparing your lower body for action.

Are you prepping for a run, a workout, or just want to feel the burn? If yes, then Lunges will help improve balance, strength, and flexibility. 

How To Do It?

  • Begin by standing tall, take a big step forward, and drop that back knee toward the ground.
  • Keep your front knee over your ankle, chest up, and core tight.
  • Push through your front heel to stand back up.
  • Alternate legs and repeat this process for a few minutes.
  • Doing this exercise every day offers a great warm-up for your workout session.

7. Supported Lunges

If you're just starting out or need a little extra balance, supported lunges are your new best friend. These bad boys give you all the benefits of regular lunges but with a bit of added stability.

Supported lunges are great for warming up without worrying about tipping over. They're a solid choice to get those legs moving safely.

How To Do It?

  • First, grab onto something sturdy, like a chair or wall.
  • Step forward with one leg, lower into a lunge while holding on for balance, then push back up.
  • Keep your core tight, and don’t rush it.
  • Alternate legs and repeat the exercise. You could feel more confident with every rep.

8. Skipping

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Skipping isn’t just for kids, it's a killer warm-up that gets your heart racing and muscles fired up fast. This full-body exercise is superb for beginners, as it boosts coordination, stamina, and agility.

Plus, it's fun and a little nostalgic! It’s a great way to get your blood flowing and prep your body for any workout.

How To Do It?

  • Grab a jump rope, hold the handles, and swing it over your head.
  • Jump as it passes under your feet, keeping your knees slightly bent and your jumps light.
  • Stay on the balls of your feet and find your rhythm.
  • Conduct this exercise for 20-30 minutes for optimal results.
  • Ensure you do it steadily to avoid tripping and falling over.

9. Spider-Man Lunges

Part of the dynamic warm up exercises, Spider-Man lunges is a great move for warming up, giving you a good stretch and engaging your core.

They work your legs, hips, and glutes while adding a bit of fun to your routine. It’s like a lunge but with a cool twist that offers your body some extra mobility.

How To Do It?

  • Step one foot forward into a lunge, drop your hips, and bring your opposite elbow to the inside of your front foot.
  • Twist your torso towards your front leg, then switch legs.
  • Keep it smooth and controlled, like you're Spidey in training.
  • Repeat and feel those muscles wake up.

10. Hip Raises

Hip raises are a fantastic exercise for activating your glutes and lower back before diving into a workout. They help strengthen your posterior chain and improve overall stability.

It is super easy to do, requiring just your body and a bit of floor space, making it one of the top warm up exercises before workout.

How To Do It?

  • Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
  • Push through your heels, lift your hips, and squeeze your glutes at the top.
  • Lower back down slowly. Keep it smooth and feel the burn in your butt and lower back.
  • Repeat and get those glutes fired up!

11. Crawling

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Crawling might seem like a baby move, but it’s a nice warm-up exercise that gets your whole body working. It’s awesome for firing up your shoulders, core, and legs.

Moreover, it’s great for mobility and coordination. It ensures that you’re ready for whatever workout is coming your way.

How To Do It?

  • Get on all fours, hands under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Move your right hand and left knee forward at the same time, then switch.
  • Put your hips low and core tight. It’s like a slow, controlled crawl.
  • Just keep moving and stay balanced.

12. Wall Slides

Wall slides are a sneaky good warm-up for your shoulders and upper back. They might look easy, but they pack a punch in helping you improve posture and shoulder mobility.

Perfect for clearing up those stiff shoulders, wall slides keep things smooth and prevent any nagging injuries.

How To Do It?

  • Lean your back against a wall, press your lower back into it, and raise your arms like you’re about to do a high-five.
  • Slide your arms up and down the wall, keeping your elbows and wrists in contact with the wall.
  • Do the warm-up slowly and steadily. Feel the stretch. 

13. Hip Circles

Hip circles are a chill yet essential warm-up move that loosens up your hips, lower back, and core. They’re perfect for getting your body ready to move, particularly if you’ve been sitting all day.

These smooth, circular motions help elevate flexibility and mobility, making sure your hips are ready to handle whatever workout you’ve got planned.

How To Do It?

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips.
  • Start by rotating your hips in a big circle, keeping your upper body still.
  • Go slow and controlled, feeling the stretch as you move.
  • Perform a few circles in one direction, then switch it up.

14. Leg Swings

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One of the good warm up exercises to wake up your hips and thighs, Leg Swings gets your blood flowing and preps your legs for whatever's coming, whether it’s running, squatting, or just killing it on leg day.

They’re also quick and easy to follow, making them perfect for beginners who want to avoid unnecessary injuries.

How To Do It?

  • First of all, stand next to something sturdy, like a wall or a chair, for balance.
  • Then, swing one leg forward and backward like a pendulum, keeping it straight but relaxed.
  • Begin slow, then pick up the pace as you warm up.
  • Switch legs after a few swings.

15. Knee Lifts

Knee lifts are a quick way to wake up your legs and core before you dive into your workout. They’re a low-impact move, perfect for loosening up those hips and getting your blood pumping. It can be a great warm up exercise before running.

How To Do It?

  • Stand up tall, then lift one knee toward your chest like you’re marching.
  • Keep your core tight, and stay balanced.
  • Alternate knees, moving at a steady pace. 
  • Add a little arm swing to get your whole body involved.
  • Repeat this process for a few minutes.

16. Bird Dog

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This exercise fires up your core while giving your back and glutes some love. Bird Dog is all about balance and coordination, establishing it as a perfect warm-up for beginners. 

Incorporate this workout into your regular warm-up routine for the best results.

How To Do It?

  • Start on all fours, with the hands under the shoulders, and knees under the hips.
  • Extend one arm forward while kicking the opposite leg straight back.
  • Keep your core tight and your back flat, like you’re flying.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then bring it back in and switch sides.
  • Repeat this process with 3-4 reps on each side.

Benefits of Warm Up Exercises

Performing warm-up sessions before conducting heavy workouts is a common practice in the fitness world. Without a proper warm-up, your muscles may not get used to the heavier exercises, making your workout painful and ineffective.

Here are some of the major benefits of warming up before a workout session:

The Muscles Contract Easily

Warming up gets your muscles ready to rock. When they heat up, they contract more smoothly and easily. This means you’re less likely to pull something or feel stiff during your workout.

Warmer muscles move better, so you’ll feel more flexible and ready to crush whatever workout is coming your way.

Blood Releases More Oxygen

When you warm up, your heart starts pumping harder, pushing more blood and oxygen to your muscles. This suggests your body’s getting all the good stuff it needs to perform at its best.

More oxygen means your muscles won’t tire out, so you’ll have better endurance. It’s like giving your body a turbo boost before you hit the grueling exercises.

Joints Loosen Up

By warming up properly, your joints loosen up, which is a clutch for preventing injuries. When you move those loosened joints through their full range, you boost circulation and lubricate them with synovial fluid.

This implies less stiffness and more flexibility, making your workout feel easier and smoother.

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