12 Long Head Bicep Exercises To Develop Stronger Arms

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If we want to enhance the shape of our biceps and have a pronounced pop when flexing them, it’s crucial to exercise the long head of biceps. Located on the outer side of the arms, it’s attached to the shoulder socket.

Moreover, the long head also plays a key role in stabilizing the shoulders and moving them forward. So, here are the top 12 long head bicep exercises to build arm strength and get that mountain-like curve.

Dumbbell Exercises For Long Head Of Biceps

1. Concentration Curl

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This is one of the best exercises for long head of biceps that we can easily try at home. It isolates the biceps brachii effectively through reducing movements in other body areas like delts and core.

Sitting on a chair and curling the dumbbells, we could focus on the long head and get pronounced peaks. Avoid leaning too much since it could take the tension away from our biceps.

Steps To Do:

  • Get seated on a chair or a flat bench with the feet shoulder width apart.
  • Grab a dumbbell in your right hand and place the upper arm on the right thigh.
  • The dumbbell arm should be initially extended.
  • Slightly lean forward for better stability. Keep the back straight throughout the movement.
  • Slowly pull the dumbbell upwards through bending at the elbow.
  • Curl the weight till it nearly reaches the chest level. The upper arm must remain stationary during the curl.
  • Continue practicing this exercise for 10 to 12 reps.

2. Hammer Curl

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Hammer curl features a slight difference in the hand positions - the palms must be facing each other. This biceps curl variation can be done when we feel bored with the same old routine.

In this workout, we can usually carry heavier weights compared to the regular bicep curl. This could help us build stronger and well-toned long head biceps faster. Moreover, it also targets the brachialis muscle, an important forearm flexor muscle.

Steps To Do:

  • Stand tall with a straight back and relaxed shoulders. Keep the feet hip width apart.
  • Carry a pair of dumbbells in each hand. The palms must be facing each other.
  • Place the weights by your sides and keep the elbows close to body.
  • Without moving the upper arms, pull the left dumbbell upwards through bending the elbows.
  • Once the dumbbell reaches the shoulders, hold the pose for a few seconds.
  • Lower the weights slowly and return to the starting position.
  • Continue performing this exercise for 10 reps.

3. Incline Biceps Curl

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We can practice the biceps curl to train our long head on an incline bench too. Incline curls feature a longer range of motion compared to the classic bicep curl, and this perk could add more muscle growth to the upper arms.

It may feel challenging for beginners, and if that’s the case, we could raise the seat's height. For instance, the bench may be adjusted to 60 or 70-degree angle instead of 45. A higher angle makes curls easier to perform.

Steps To Do:

  • Sit on an inclined bench on your back. The height must be set at 45-degree angle.
  • Grip a weight in each hand. The feet need to be at hip width distance.
  • The arms should be extended by your sides. They should also be close to the upper body. The palms must be facing up.
  • Raise the weights upward while maintaining a straight back. The upper arms should also be stationary during the lifting process.
  • Once the weights reach the chest level, return back to the initial position.
  • Practice this exercise for 10 to 12 reps.

4. Drag Curls

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This dumbbell workout helps isolate the long head of the biceps properly through reducing movement in the front deltoids. When the elbows get pulled back, the long head will get activated.

Drag curls offer a powerful contraction during the top of the movement, and this further strengthens the biceps brachii. This workout may also be done unilaterally to address muscle imbalances.

Steps To Do:

  • Hold a pair of dumbbells with underhand grip. Place them by your sides. The weight must be aligned with the shoulders.
  • Now, slightly push the elbows back to move the dumbbells upward. The weights need to move in a straight path.
  • Push the elbows more so that the weights will come higher. Do not shift the shoulder’s position during the lift.
  • Once the dumbbells reach the top of the rib cage, stay there for a few seconds.
  • Lower them down slowly through the same path and return to the starting position.
  • Perform this exercise for desired number of reps.

Barbell Exercises For Long Head Of Biceps

1. Preacher Curl

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This long head bicep workout requires a special gym machine known as the preacher curl machine. This machine has a padded area where we can place our arms to perform the biceps curl.

Ensure that the body is stable while pulling the barbells upward. The angled position creates constant tension on the long head during curls, making it a fantastic isolation move for upper arm growth.

Steps To Do:

  • Sit down on the preacher's bench with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Place the upper arms on the padded area. Grab a barbell in your hands, and extend the arm forward. The palms must be faced towards you.
  • You could slightly lean the upper body forward to stabilize the body during the curl.
  • Pull the barbell upwards by bending the elbows. The upper arm should not shift its position.
  • When the weight nearly touches the shoulders, hold the pose for some seconds.
  • Return to the starting position by slowly lowering the barbell.
  • Repeat this process for 10 to 12 reps.

2. Close-Grip Barbell Curl

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Using a close grip during barbell curls shifts more focus to the outer part of the biceps, where the long head is located. This grip better activates the long head, helping build those proper peaks. On the other hand, a wide grip is typically used to target the short head.

The close-grip variation may also reduce our wrist issues and help improve our forearm muscles. This makes it one of the top exercises for grip strength too.

Steps To Do:

  • Grab a barbell with a close grip and put it in front of you. The weight must be initially placed at your waist level.
  • The arms should be close to your body while the feet need to be hip width apart.
  • Take a deep breath, and start curling the barbell towards you. Keep the shoulders back and down during the lifting phase.
  • Do not arch the back and shift the upper arms. Doing these actions can place the focus away from the biceps brachii.
  • Stay at top of the movement for a few seconds, then lower the weight back to the initial position.
  • Practice this activity for 10 reps.

3. Reverse Curl

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By holding the barbell in overhand grip, we can strengthen multiple muscle groups at the same time. The reverse curl targets the brachioradialis and forearm muscles, while also working the long and short heads of the biceps.

If we want to balance the focus on both heads, then reverse curl is a perfect option. Moreover, the long head is also needed to maintain shoulder stability during the flexed arm position.

Steps To Do:

  • Stand with the back straight and shoulders relaxed. Keep the feet hip width apart.
  • Hold a barbell with both hands in an overhand grip. The palms must be facing down.
  • Extend the arms and place the weight in front of the hips.
  • Now, raise the barbell towards the chest. Bend at the elbows as you bring the weight upwards.
  • At top of the movement, hold this pose for a few seconds. Feel a good stretch in the biceps and forearms.
  • Lower the weight back to the original position.
  • Practice this activity for desired number of reps.

Cable Exercises For Long Head Of Biceps

1. Cable Curl

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A cable machine is great equipment for training our biceps, especially the long head. The cable curl offers constant tension throughout the movement, making it fantastic for activating the long head.

Perform this workout along with the dumbbell and barbell version to get an overall improvement in the biceps brachii. Remember to set the pulley height properly before conducting this exercise.

Steps To Do:

  • Stand in front of the cable machine with the feet placed at hip width distance.
  • Set the pulley height to the lowest setting. Grab the handle firmly with an underhand grip. Place the handlebar in front of the hips.
  • You could slightly lean the upper body forward for better stability.
  • Next, curl the handlebar upwards through bending at the elbows.
  • Bring them towards the chest, then lower them back to starting position. Keep the back flat during the entire process.
  • Continue practicing this activity for 10 to 12 reps.

2. Bayesian Curl

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This cable curl variation follows the same pattern as that of the inclined dumbbell curls. In this move, our elbows stay behind us during the curl - just like with inclined curls. This position targets the long head of the biceps more effectively.

With the arms pulled back, the biceps experience intense tension as we curl the cable handles toward us, leading to greater muscle activation.

Steps To Do:

  • Stand with your back facing the cable machine. Keep the back straight and feet hip width apart.
  • Set the cable height to the lowest setting. Grab the handle and pull it towards you. The arm should be extended.
  • Now, pull the cable handle towards your chest by bending the elbow. You could slightly lean the body forward as well.
  • The upper arm needs to be stationary throughout the movement.
  • Hold at the top of the movement for 1 to 3 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Continue this activity for desired number of reps.

3. Overhead Cable Curl

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If we’re bored with regular cable curls, then the overhead version can add some variety to our workout routine. When the arms are elevated behind the head, the long head will get a powerful stretch when we pull the handle towards us.

The elbows must be locked in place while performing this exercise. Driving them forward could take the tension away from the long head of biceps.

Steps To Do:

  • Stand tall near the cable machine, with the body positioned sideways.
  • Place the cable height at the highest setting to accommodate the overhead curl.
  • Grab the cable handlebar with one hand and extend the arm. The palms should be facing up.
  • Now, pull the handlebar towards your shoulders. Bend the elbows as you perform the curl.
  • Do not arch or round the back while doing the overhead cable curl.
  • Bring handlebar back to its original position.
  • Perform this exercise for 10 to 12 reps.

Bodyweight Exercises For Long Head Of Biceps

1. Chin-Up

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Chin-up is a great bodyweight exercise just like pull ups, but it's done with an underhand grip. It also targets latissimus dorsi, teres major, and rear deltoids.

Steps To Do:

  • Stand in front of the pull-up bar and grab the handles. The arms should be extended with an underhand grip.
  • Pull the body upwards with the help of your hands. The feet need to come off the ground - this leads to the dead hang pose.
  • Bend the elbows as you pull yourself up. Bring your head over to the pull-up bar.
  • Lower the body back to the dead hang position slowly and steadily.
  • Continue doing the chin-ups for 5 to 7 reps.

2. Neutral Grip Pull Ups

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Practicing pullups with a neutral grip is easier compared to traditional pullups. In this variation, the palms will be facing each other. This hand placement offers less strain on our wrists and joints, reducing the risk of injury.

Moreover, neutral grip helps place the focus more on long head of our biceps instead of latissimus dorsi. To make this workout more challenging, try doing it with some weights attached to the legs.

Steps To Do:

  • Get under a pull-up bar and extend your arms overhead. Grab the handles with a neutral grip.
  • Slowly pull yourself up while squeezing the shoulder blades. The feet must be off the floor while the back needs to be straight.
  • Once the head or chest reaches past the pull-up bar, bring the body down to the dead hang pose.
  • Conduct this activity for desired number of reps.

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