12 Amazing Full Body Dumbbell Workout And Exercises

If you're new to fitness, putting together a full-body workout can feel overwhelming. A solid training program targets strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance while working all the major muscle groups. Luckily, dumbbells are versatile tools that can help you crush those goals.
For those who prefer working out at home, travel often, or are new to lifting weights, using dumbbells for various exercises can provide a great full-body workout. So, here is the routine you need to follow for a full-body dumbbell workout:
1. Goblet Squats
A staple of body conditioning and strength training, the goblet squat works several muscle groups at once and is a very efficient full-body exercise.
Its effectiveness and simplicity make it a valuable component of many exercise regimens. The muscles at the front of your thighs, known as quadriceps, are the main target of the goblet squat.
Steps To Do It:
- At first, both hands should be in front of your chest while you hold a dumbbell vertically by one end.
- Lower your body by bending your knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Then, push yourself back up to the beginning position.
- Make sure your back stays straight the entire time.
2. Dumbbell Deadlift
The dumbbell deadlift is well known for its ability to increase muscular growth, strength, and power. A strong workout is provided by the main emphasis on your posterior chain, which includes your back, glutes, and legs, particularly your hamstrings and quadriceps.
When done correctly, the dumbbell deadlift also works your trapezius muscles, which are the muscles that go from your neck through your mid-back.
Steps To Do It:
- Get a set of dumbbells that are suitable for your level of fitness.
- Place your feet beneath your hips and stand with your shoulders slightly retracted and squeezed.
- Lower the weights to the floor through hinging your hips back.
- Bend slightly at the knees while maintaining a strong core and flat back.
- Drop until the dumbbells make contact with the floor (or, if you lack the flexibility, a raised surface).
- To reverse the movement and go back to a tall standing position, push through your heels.
3. Dumbbell Bench Press
This variation of bench press is a traditional chest exercise that is an integral part of any strength training or bodybuilding program. Its ability to effectively grow the pectoralis major has garnered widespread recognition. However, the advantages of this workout go beyond only developing a toned chest.
In addition to the chest, the dumbbell bench press works the triceps too, which are the muscles at the rear of your upper arms. Consistent practice of this exercise is an effective way to build arm definition and strength.
Steps To Do It:
- Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand while lying face-up on a bench.
- Raise the weights until your arms reach their maximum length.
- Then carefully lower them back down.
4. Dumbbell Row
One of the best exercises for your upper body is the dumbbell row. It's a workout that improves your posture and general functional strength, which makes daily tasks simpler. Besides, it also helps you lift more weight and appear stronger.
The main focus of this dumbbell workout is your back, more specifically the lats. Also, it strengthens and defines the muscles between your shoulder blades, known as the rhomboids.
Steps To Do It:
- In front of the bench, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body and push your butt back.
- Then, stretch your right arm such that your palm rests on the bench.
- Use the left hand to grasp the dumbbell. To generate pressure across your entire body, squeeze your abs and glutes.
- Your head should be in a neutral position and your back should be flat.
- To raise your elbow and row the weight, contract your mid-back muscles.
- Avoid twisting your lower back and maintain a shoulder-level position.
- After a little pause, return the weight to its starting position.
5. Dumbbell Lunges
Dumbbell lunges are a fantastic exercise with plenty of fitness benefits. They mimic natural human movement patterns, making them a classic example of functional fitness - challenging yet highly effective.
Moreover, your quadriceps are strongly stimulated when you step forward into the lunge, stabilizing and propelling your body. This exercise promotes lower body power and resilience by strengthening and conditioning your quadriceps.
Steps To Do It:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing erect.
- Lower your body until your front knee is bent at a straight angle and take a single stride forward.
- Repeat with the second leg after pushing yourself back up to the starting position.
6. Dumbbell Bicep Curl
Among strength training exercises, the Dumbbell Bicep Curl is a popular workout that is particularly well-liked for its ability to build arm muscles. This exercise, which primarily targets the biceps, has become a mainstay in many fitness programs, whether they be bodybuilding, strength training, or general fitness.
Frequent practice of this exercise may greatly improve these muscles, improving bicep and forearm strength along with muscular definition.
Steps To Do It:
- Firstly, hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing with your arms outstretched and palms facing forward.
- Then, as you curl the weights and tense your biceps, keep your elbows close to your torso.
- Slowly lower the weights again.
7. Dumbbell Overhead Press
This versatile exercise targets your shoulders, triceps, and upper chest, three vital regions that greatly contribute to your overall strength and physique, and provides a thorough upper body workout.
Dumbbell overhead press may be performed while standing or sitting, and dumbbells can be spun in a hammer grip or held horizontally at the shoulders. Any upper body strength training program can benefit from this exercise.
Steps To Do It:
- With your arms by your sides, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
- Raise them upward slowly, keeping the back straight and core engaged.
- Make sure your arms are totally straight by pressing the weights straight overhead.
- As you carefully raise the weights above your head, release your breath.
- At the peak of the motion, pause for a while.
- After taking a breath, bring the dumbbells back to initial position.
8. Dumbbell Pullover
The dumbbell pullover is a favorite among bodybuilders because it effectively targets both the chest and back. It helps build your chest and lats - the muscles in your lower back - making it a solid addition to any strength training routine.
When you are in your first attempt, it is always best to start with less weight and increase resistance later as you become stronger. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to try this exercise.
Steps To Do It:
- First, lie flat on a bench, dumbbell held overhead with a slight bend in elbows, palms facing each other.
- Then, gently lower the dumbbell behind your head, with your elbows slightly bent.
- Raise the dumbbell back to the starting position, squeezing your lats.
- Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up.
- Perform around 8-10 repetitions, aiming for multiple sets with appropriate rest.
- Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
9. Dumbbell Kickstand Deadlift
Your glutes, hamstrings, lats, core, and calves are all worked out by this exercise. Concentrate on engaging your glutes to start the deadlift motion and pressing your grounded foot into the floor. To keep your lats engaged, squeeze your armpits.
Steps To Do It:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing with your feet hip-width apart.
- To create a staggered stance, place one foot at a foot's length behind the other, heel up.
- To lower your body, hinge at your hips, press your butt back, and maintain a flat back. The floor should be almost parallel to your torso.
- To stand up straight, push through your front heel while maintaining a strong core. As you draw up, keep the weights toward your shins.
- At the top, pause and squeeze your butt. This is one repetition.
- Perform around 6 to 8 repetitions, then swap sides and do it again.
10. Dumbbell Wood Chop
It is undoubtedly one of the top functional core workouts. As you twist and pull, your abs and obliques are working extra hard, and the exercise's general movement ensures that the advantages of core strength will be carried over into daily activities.
The woodchop should be a regular component of your training regimen if you play golf. The exercise's circular motion activates the same core muscles needed to send a ball down the fairway.
Steps To Do It:
- Hold a dumbbell while standing with your feet wider than hip-width apart and your core active.
- Raise your arms diagonally in front of your body. As you twist, let your torso and toes naturally spin to the right.
- Allow your torso and toes to naturally rotate in that direction as you "chop" the weight down to the left, bringing it across the front of your body and aiming for your left ankle.
- Concentrate on spinning from your core while maintaining stability in your lower body. So, this is one repetition.
- Perform around 6 to 8 repetitions, then swap sides and do it again.
11. Dumbbell Halo
One of the most amazing ways to work the delts is to do the dynamic and adaptable Halo exercise, which may significantly improve shoulder strength and mobility.
It has several advantages beyond just growing muscle and may be done with a kettlebell, dumbbell, or even a plate. It is a comprehensive workout for upper body training because of its distinctive circular motion around the head, which works the arms, upper back, and shoulder muscles.
Steps To Do It:
- Firstly, keep holding a dumbbell with both hands, stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Then, lift the dumbbell till it is level with your chest in front of you.
- Keep your head stable and back straight as you slowly move the dumbbell in a "halo" motion around it.
- Until the dumbbell returns to the front, keep moving in a circle.
- Continue for 10 reps, then reverse the direction and repeat.
12. Dumbbell Alternating Bench Press
An exercise for the chest that also works the shoulder and core stabilizing muscles is the alternating dumbbell bench press. This bench press variation maintains consistent stress on the pec and shoulder by maintaining one weight up.
To finish each rep, you must alternate each dumbbell and use your core muscles to stabilize your body on the bench.
Steps To Do It:
- Using a neutral grip, lift the dumbbells off the ground. Sit down on the bench and place the dumbbell ends in your hip crease.
- Keep the weights toward your chest and recline to get into position. Take a deep breath after positioning yourself, then push the dumbbells to lockout at the top.
- Maintaining the other dumbbell locked out at the top, slowly drop one under control as far as is comfortable.
- Push the dumbbell back up to the beginning position by contracting your chest.
- Maintaining the other dumbbell locked out at the top, slowly drop the other one.
- Continue until the required number of repetitions is reached.
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