15 Amazing Plyometric Exercises For Speed And Power
Plyometrics are fantastic exercises that involve intense bursts of muscle exertion over short periods. Also known as plyos, they tap into the anaerobic system and are commonly used to enhance lower-body activities like running and jumping.
However, since they place significant stress on tendons and joints, mastering proper form is essential for a safer workout. So, let’s look at the 15 best plyometric exercises that help us build power and speed for better athletic performance:
1. Tuck Jump
This simple plyometric exercise combines the movements of squats and jumping. The higher we try to jump, the harder this workout becomes. It’s great for engaging muscles like hip flexors, hamstrings, and calves.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand with the back straight and feet hip-width apart. The arms must be by your sides.
- Slightly bend the knees and push your hips back. The hips should fall below the knees.
- Lean your upper body forward while the arms go back. This position makes you get ready for jumping.
- Jump up as high as possible. Bend the knees once you go up, getting into a squat pose. The hands must touch the knees at top of the movement.
- Land back on the ground with the feet at hip width distance. The knees should also go down, shifting into a squat.
- Continue practicing this exercise for 10 reps.
2. Jump Squat With Heel Tap
This workout challenges our glutes and quadriceps and is great for enhancing our power and coordination. The heel tap is done during the jumping movement.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand with the feet shoulder width apart. The toes need to be slightly pointed outward.
- The arms can be by your sides or lying behind the head.
- Now, bend the knees and push the hips back. Lower the hips to get into a squat pose.
- Press through the heels and jump. Touch the heels together while jumping.
- Return to the floor with the initial feet position. Bring the hips back into the squat.
- Continue this activity for desired number of reps.
3. Burpee
This HIIT workout engages various muscles from our shoulders down to the legs. This is why burpee is considered an effective exercise for training the whole body in a short period.
Steps To Do It:
- With the back straight and arms by the sides, stand with the feet shoulder width apart.
- Hinge at the hips, lower both arms and put them on the floor.
- Push your legs behind and get into a plank pose. The toes should be supporting your lower body. The arms must be under the shoulders.
- Now, jump your feet towards the arms. Press through the heels to get back into the standing position.
- When you are standing back up, jump off the floor as high as you can. The arms need to reach overhead during the jump.
- Conduct this exercise for 10 to 12 reps.
4. Alternating Lunge Jump
We can combine lunge exercise with a jump to create an effective plyometric training exercise. Alternating lung jumps challenge coordination and do not require any complex equipment for successful reps.
Steps To Do It:
- Start by standing tall with feet close to each other.
- Engage the core muscles and jump with the right foot forward. The right foot needs to go behind.
- Bend both knees to get into a lunge pose. The right thigh must be parallel to the floor.
- Spring back up through bringing the feet back to the initial position.
- Alternate the sides by placing the left foot forward and the right one behind.
- Practice this exercise for 5 to 7 reps.
5. Pop Squat
Pop squat helps build explosiveness by strengthening our lower body muscles like quadriceps and glutes. This squat variation may also correct our bad posture and enhance metabolic rate.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand up straight and then get into a squat pose by lowering the hips and bending knees.
- Clasp your hands at chest level while doing the squat. Lower the hip until it becomes parallel to the floor.
- Press through the heels to stand back up. Bring the arms to your side as you stand.
- Jump a few inches off the ground and get back into the squat.
- Perform this activity for desired number of reps.
6. Single-Leg Deadlift To Jump
If we understand how to perform the single-leg deadlift, then its plyometric variation will not be too difficult. Combined with some jumping action, this workout is great for our glutes, core, and hamstrings.
Steps To Do It:
- While standing, extend the right leg behind and push the hips back.
- Bend the left knee slightly and lean the upper body forward. The right hand could touch the ground for extra support.
- The upper body should become parallel to the ground.
- Engage the core, and jump as high as possible. Press through the left heel to push the body up.
- The right leg should swing forward and go upwards while jumping.
- Land back on the floor and get back to the single-leg deadlift pose quickly.
- Continue performing this activity for 10 to 12 reps.
7. Hands-Release Push Up
Push-ups are one of the best upper body exercises for building power and explosiveness. Moreover, lifting both hands while returning to the plank pose may add a fantastic plyometric element to our workout routine.
Steps To Do It:
- Get into a plank pose with the arms under shoulders and legs extended behind.
- Engage the ab muscles and bend the elbows. Lower your chest to the ground. Keep the back straight as you go down.
- Once the chest nearly touches the ground, press through the palms to push yourself back to the plank pose.
- At top of the movement, raise your palms a few inches off the floor.
- Return to the plank pose by placing the palms back on the ground.
- Conduct this activity for 10 to 12 reps.
8. Box Jump
Box jumps enhance power and speed by making us jump onto an elevated platform, with a slight squat added to the mix. They are fantastic for improving cardio health and increasing range of motion as well.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand in front of a box. You should be a foot apart from the box.
- The feet need to be at hip width distance. The box should also be of proper height.
- Next, bend at the knees to get into the squat pose. The arms must get behind you during this movement.
- Press through the feet to jump on top of the box. Swing the arms forward as well.
- Land on the box with a squat. Stand back up and then, step down from the box.
- Practice this exercise for 10 reps.
9. Lateral Hops
Lateral hop features a side-to-side jumping movement that can power up the lower body muscles effectively. Here, the legs will receive physical stress while landing, and this may aid to build better bone density.
Steps To Do It:
- Lean your upper body slightly and place the arms by your sides for stability.
- Raise the right leg through bending at the knee. The left foot will bear the entire body weight.
- Take a deep breath, and jump sideways by pressing through the right foot.
- Land on your left foot while raising the right leg at same time.
- Continue doing this activity for 5 to 7 reps.
10. Reverse Lunge With Knee Ups
This plyometric workout is fantastic for increasing explosiveness in our hamstrings, hip flexors, and core. Doing this exercise consistently may increase our athletic performance and reduce the risk of leg injuries.
Steps To Do It:
- Get into the lunge pose by pushing your right leg back while standing. Bend the left knee during this process.
- You could place your right hand on the floor near the front foot. The front thigh should be parallel to the floor.
- Press through the front foot to leap upwards. Bring the right leg forward as you jump.
- Go as high as possible. Then, land on the ground with the lunge pose.
- Perform this activity for desired number of reps.
11. Long Jumps
This workout is popular in the Olympics and can be easily practiced in our home. The long jump is a great lower body exercise that may build power in our legs and hips over time.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand tall with the feet at hip width distance. The back must be straight and the shoulders relaxed.
- Hinge at the hips and lower them to get into a squat pose. You could clasp the hands at chest level.
- Now, engage the core and jump forward. Swing the arms back, press through the heels, and puff the chest to cover a longer distance.
- Land on your feet while maintaining the hip width distance. Clasp your hands and get back to the squat pose.
- Perform the long jumps for 5 to 7 reps.
12. Crab Walk To Jump
This exercise features a slower momentum but is crucial for building that desired explosiveness. The crab walk strengthens our hip abductors and glutes while the jumps may improve our power.
Steps To Do It:
- Push your hips back and bend the knees slightly while standing. The feet should be hip width apart.
- Clasp the hands at chest level and look straight ahead.
- Now, step the left leg to the left without twisting the body. Do not take a wide step as it may lead to slips and falls.
- When the left leg moves sideways, shift the right leg to the right as well.
- Take two steps to the left, then jump up. Swing your hands while jumping.
- Return to the ground while maintaining the squat pose.
- Repeat this process for 10 to 12 reps.
13. Kneeling Jump Squat
This is an advanced plyometric training exercise that may be challenging for beginners. Getting into a squat while kneeling may require powerful momentum and core strength. However, with regular practice, we can quickly get used to it.
Steps To Do It:
- Kneel down on the floor with the knees placed at hip width distance. You can use a padding surface for support.
- Put the arms behind you initially. The back must also be flat while kneeling.
- Swing the arms forward and create enough momentum to jump into a squat pose. Engage the core to land on the feet.
- You could lean the upper body while going for the squat too. This may help stabilize the body during the jump.
- Return to the initial position through lowering the knees.
- Continue practicing this exercise for desired number of reps.
14. Lateral Lunge To Single-Leg Hop
A lateral lunge with a leg hop engages the frontal plane of motion and activates the stabilizer muscles during the transition between movements.
Go deep into the lateral lunge to stretch those hamstrings and quadriceps while the jump will add a plyometric element to enhance power.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand up straight with the back flat and feet hip width apart.
- Now, take a wide step to the right, bending the knee.
- This will stretch the left leg as it gets extended. Push the hips back slightly as well.
- Press through the right foot to stand back up.
- Jump with the right knee moving towards the chest. This creates the “hop” movement.
- Put the feet down on the ground, but shift the left leg sideways to get back to lateral lunge.
- Practice this activity for 10 reps.
15. Skater Hops
Want to feel like a skater and have a fun plyometric exercise at the same time? Skater hops are the perfect choice for this matter. This workout features side-to-side movements and is known to engage the core and leg muscles. Make sure the legs do not step too far to avoid injuries like muscle strains.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand tall with a straight back and arms by your sides.
- Slightly lean forward and raise your left leg. Bend at the knee and place them behind.
- The left arm will swing back while the right arm will swing forward.
- Now, jump to your side and land on the right foot. The left foot will be raised off the floor.
- Continue doing the skater hops for desired number of reps.
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