12 Muscular Endurance Exercises To Try At Home Or Gym
Muscular endurance is our muscles' potential to contract repeatedly without getting tired or experiencing pain for extended periods. It is essential for many everyday activities that involve repetitive movements, like walking, climbing stairs, and running.
Improving muscular endurance isn’t too hard, and there are plenty of exercises that could help by pushing us to repeatedly contract our muscles. Here are the 12 best muscular endurance exercises that we can practice at our home or gym:
1. Plank
This muscular endurance workout is great for building up core strength and forces us to contract the muscles while holding the pose. A plank may also help decrease the risk of spinal injuries.
Holding the plank in a pushup position for 1 to 2 minutes can increase an individual's endurance level. When the hips start to sag or raise upwards, we should take a rest before trying again.
Steps To Do It:
- Get into a tabletop pose, with the hands under the shoulders and knees under hips.
- Slowly step both legs backward, one at a time. The legs should be extended while the arms will remain stationary.
- Maintain a straight back with the head gazing down at the floor. This helps the neck to get properly aligned with the back.
- Engage the ab muscles, and hold the position for 30 seconds to a minute.
- Then, lower the body and rest for a few seconds.
- Continue the plank workout for 5 to 7 reps.
2. Walking Lunges
A lunge exercise can be quite helpful for enhancing muscular endurance, and adding the walking element to it will further increase its effectiveness. Performing the walking lunge is fantastic for strengthening the hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps.
This workout also aids to develop better body stability. However, we must maintain a proper form at all times - the torso must be upright and the knees aligned with toes.
Steps To Do It:
- Stand tall with the feet hip width apart. Clasp the arms at your chest level.
- Now, take a wide step forward with the left leg. Bend the knee in the process too.
- Keep the front knee aligned with the toes to avoid any unnecessary injuries.
- The right leg should also have a slight bend in the knee. The right knee must not touch the ground.
- At the top of movement, the left thigh and right knee must be parallel to the floor.
- Stay in this lunge pose for a few seconds, then push through the back foot to bring it forward.
- The right leg will now be forward, while the left one will stay behind.
- Continue doing this walking lunge move for 10 steps.
3. Farmer’s Walk
Have you tried walking with a weight in your hands? It’s actually a legit exercise called the Farmer’s Walk. By overloading our grip, it turns into a great resistance workout and a solid way to build muscular endurance - perfect for home or gym sessions.
It is simple to start and can be scaled up with heavier weights as we get stronger. We can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or, if we’re feeling ambitious, even barbells for an extra challenge.
Steps To Do It:
- Carry a pair of weights, place the hands by your sides, and stand tall.
- The back must be straight while the shoulders should be relaxed.
- Take a deep breath, and start walking with the weights resisting the arms.
- Engage the core muscles and walk steadily. Maintain a neutral spine while doing the Farmer’s walk.
- Perform the exercise for 20 steps.
4. Push Ups
One of the most popular full body exercises, pushups activate large number of upper and lower body muscles. This workout strengthens the chest, arms, and shoulders, training these muscles to sustain contractions over a long period.
It also boosts the metabolic and respiratory rate, potentially improving overall body performance and, in turn, enhancing muscular endurance levels.
Steps To Do It:
- Start by getting into a plank pose. The hands should be slightly outside the shoulder width.
- Resist the body weight with the toes and hands. The back must not be arched or rounded.
- Bend at the elbows, and slowly lower down the body.
- When the chest nearly touches the floor, press through the palms to raise yourself back up.
- Repeat this process for 10 to 12 reps.
5. Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell swing is a powerful and dynamic workout that challenges us to contract the muscles with a proper swinging momentum. It is typically done with both arms, but for an extra challenge, we could practice with just one.
Steps To Do It:
- Grab a kettlebell with both hands and bend at knees.
- Push the hips back and lean the upper body forward. Maintain a straight back throughout the movement.
- The kettlebell should be lying down while the arms should be extended.
- Now, engage the glutes and swing the kettlebell forward in an arching motion.
- As you swing the weight, bring the body into standing pose.
- When the kettlebell reaches the chest level, lower the body back to its original position.
- Continue practicing this exercise for 10 to 12 reps.
6. Heel Drops
If we have to repetitively perform activities like walking or jogging, then Heel drops are one of the top muscle endurance exercises out there. This workout strengthens the calf muscles effectively and releases muscle stiffness in the lower legs.
For an extra challenge, perform this exercise on an elevated platform like a step or pylo box. However, we should not do practice this exercise if we have ankle or toe pain.
Steps To Do It:
- Start by standing in an upright posture on a step platform. The back should be straight and the feet hip width apart.
- Place the feet at the edge of the step, with the heels hanging from the elevated platform.
- Press through the toes to raise the heels. This makes you stand on tiptoes.
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds, feeling the stretch in calves. Hold the wall or railing for extra support.
- Lower the heels slowly and take a rest for some seconds.
- Continue this exercise for desired number of reps.
7. Squats
Engage the glutes, hamstrings, and core with the squat workout. Doing the squat ultimately helps to build endurance, making us perform various physical activities without much fatigue.
Moreover, squats also mimic the sitting and standing moves - which boosts our functional strength. If the regular version feels a bit dull, there are plenty of variations to try, like goblet squats, Bulgarian split squats, or box squats.
Steps To Do It:
- Clasp your hands and bring them in front of the chest. Stand tall with a straight back and relaxed shoulders.
- Keep the feet at hip width distance. The toes must be pointed forward as well.
- Now, bend at the knees and lower the hips with slow, controlled momentum.
- As you lower the hips, maintain a neutral spine. Do not move the head and arms as you descend.
- When the thighs become parallel to the ground, halt the descent.
- Stay in this pose for 30 seconds, then raise the hips back up. To make the squat harder, perform the tempo version - slowing down the lowering phase.
- Repeat the process for desired number of reps.
8. Glute Bridges
Like the squats, this exercise for muscular endurance also features a grest isometric hold that strengthens the glutes and leg muscles effectively. It is perfect for anyone looking to train their posterior chain and improve their bad posture and reduce injuries.
Be careful not to arch the back as it could cause strain in the lower back muscles. Loop a resistance band in the thighs to make the workout more challenging.
Steps To Do It:
- Lie down on the floor in a supinated position. Keep the arms at your sides for stability.
- Bend the knees and raise them off the floor. Bring them towards your hips.
- Now, lift the hips upward by pressing the palms and feet.
- Stop raising the hips when they are aligned in a straight line with the back, shoulders, and knees.
- Squeeze the glutes at top of the movement. Hold the pose for a few seconds.
- Slowly bring the hips back to the ground without arching the back.
- Perform the glute bridges for 10 to 12 reps.
9. Triceps Dips
Primarily done for strengthening and building the tricep muscles, the isometric hold in this exercise helps enhance our muscular endurance. It could be easily practiced from the comfort of our homes - though we’ll require a support item like a chair or bench to place the hands.
Steps To Do It:
- Get seated on the edge of the bench or chair. The feet must be firmly on the ground while the hips should hold the seat’s edge.
- Now, take the legs slightly forward until there’s no bend in the knees. This results in the hips coming off the chair / bench too.
- The back must be straight while the thighs should be parallel to the ground.
- Hold the edge of the seat with your hands, resisting the entire body weight. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
- Press through the palms to bring the body back to the chair / bench. Do not use your legs to lift yourself back up.
- Practice this workout for desired number of reps.
10. Superman
Want to feel like you're soaring through the air like the DC superhero? The Superman exercise is just the thing we need! Not only does it add a touch of fun to our workout routine, but it also builds muscular endurance.
Holding the iconic Superman pose engages multiple muscle groups, strengthening them with every rep. Practice the exercise with a dumbbell / kettlebell to add more stress to the arms.
Steps To Do It:
- Start by lying down on the floor in a pronated position. The arms must be extended overhead while the legs should be straight behind.
- Lift the arms, chest, and legs slowly off the floor. This creates the iconic Superman’s flying pose. Do not lift them too high since it could cause lower back injuries.
- Without bending the elbows and knees, stay in this position for a few seconds.
- Lower the body back to the ground once you start to feel fatigued.
- Continue practicing this activity for 10 reps.
11. Pike Crunches
Pike crunches mainly target the core, lower back, and hip flexors. The repeated move of lifting and lowering the body strengthens these muscles and improves endurance and stamina in the process. Moreover, by raising the legs and chest and then holding them, we could improve our stability as well.
Steps To Do It:
- Lie down on the ground with the legs and arms extended. The arms must be stretched overhead.
- Next, raise your chest and legs slowly. Engage the core as you bring them up.
- You could attempt to touch your fingertips and toes to get a powerful stretch in the abdominals.
- Do not bend the elbows and knees while you are in the lifting phase.
- Hold at top of the movement for 30 seconds, then gently bring the body back to starting position.
- Perform the exercise for desired number of reps.
12. Mountain Climbers
This dynamic exercise is fantastic for strengthening our core, glute, leg, and deltoid muscles. They also help to increase our heart rate and boost blood flow. This combo ultimately makes it a perfect muscular endurance builder.
We need to perform this workout with controlled momentum; otherwise, it could compromise our form and result in wrist or knee injuries. If we’re looking for a challenge, let’s practice the Mountain Climbers in a low plank pose.
Steps To Do It:
- Start in a plank position. The hands will be under the shoulders and legs extended behind at hip width distance.
- Now, bring your left knee towards the chest. Keep the core engaged during the process.
- Once the left knee reaches the chest, get them back to the starting position. Then, bring the right knee forward.
- Run the knees as fast as possible while maintaining a flat back.
- Conduct this activity for 10 reps on each side.
Benefits Of Muscular Endurance Workouts
1. Reduces The Risk Of Injury
When we perform the aforementioned exercises to build good muscular endurance, we’ll face less risk of getting injuries by lifting heavy loads or performing rigorous physical activities for a long time.
2. Improves Range Of Motion
Bad muscular endurance may result in restricted mobility, which would only prevent a person from doing day-to-day activities with ease.
3. Improves Heart Health
People with better muscle endurance levels are also known to have a decreased risk of heart disease. It can help reduce blood sugar levels and triglycerides, both of which are linked to cardio problems.
4. Increases Energy Levels
Practicing exercises for muscular endurance helps to increase energy levels in the body as well. As endurance improves, we may see better mitochondrial function and improved blood circulation, which energizes our cells.
5. Enhances Athletic Performance
People who play sports like track running and basketball have to perform repetitive movements for extended periods. When their muscular endurance is strong, athletes could move with ease and maintain their stamina while holding off fatigue for longer.
Safety Tips And Precautions
1. Make Gradual Progression
We may be tempted to increase the intensity once we feel confident in an exercise. However, it’s important to gradually progress, starting with slower movements and then building up the time and volume. This approach helps the muscles adapt to the exercise more effectively.
2. Take Rest
Rest is a crucial part of any workout session, and skipping it can increase the risk of sore muscles and cramps. Muscles need time to recover, so taking breaks between sessions is both necessary and productive.
3. Avoid Overstretching
We should be careful not to overstretch our muscles while doing the aforementioned exercises. Extending the muscles beyond their limit for the sake of getting a quick workout may lead to severe injuries.
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