15 Best Hip Flexor Stretches And Exercises

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Tight hip flexor muscles can lead to various health issues, such as lower back pain and limited hip mobility. To avoid these problems, you must perform stretches and exercises designed to make these muscles stronger and more flexible.

In this article, we'll discover the top 15 hip flexor exercises you could try at home or in the gym:

1. Lunge Stretch

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Lunges are one of the best workouts for hip flexor muscles since they aid to relieve tightness and improve flexibility. This stretch generally engages the iliopsoas, a deep hip flexor muscle group.

How To Do:

  • Stand straight, keeping the back upright. 
  • Then, bring the right leg forward while bending the knee. Keep the arms at your sides.
  • Lower the body until the left leg just hovers above the floor.
  • Stay in this stretched position for 30-40 seconds before coming back up again.
  • Now, repeat with the other leg.

2. Pigeon Pose

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This popular yoga stretch is known to be the ultimate hack for strengthening hip flexor muscles. It really works to loosen up the iliopsoas, hence improving your flexibility and range of motion.

How To Do:

  • Start in a plank position.
  • Lift your right leg off the floor through bending it at the knee. Then, bring it close to your left hand.
  • Meanwhile, the left leg should be stretched straight back.
  • Lower the body gently to feel the stretch in the muscles.
  • Remain in this position for a few minutes.

3. Couch Stretch

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This stretch may seem simple enough, but it helps to relieve tightness in the hip flexors. It also helps to target the quads and core muscles. It is similar to a lunge but features a support item like a wall, couch, or chair.

How To Do:

  • Bend the right knee and put the shin comfortably on the wall or couch. 
  • Place a soft cushion underneath the right knee if you feel too much pressure.
  • The left knee must also be bent while the left thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this stretch for 30-45 seconds before releasing it.

4. Psoas Hold

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One of the simplest yet most effective hip flexion exercises, the Psoas Hold forces the hips to work overtime, building both strength and mobility.

How To Do:

  • Start by standing tall. Then, bend one knee and raise it upward. 
  • Shift your balance on the other leg. Remember to keep the arms at the sides.
  • Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.
  • Lower the raised knee slowly.
  • After that, repeat the process for other knee.

5. Mountain Climber

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The mountain climber serves as a dynamic exercise; it works the hip flexors by requiring rapid knee drives toward the chest from a plank position. For optimal results, try this workout 3-4 times a week as part of a full-body workout

How To Do:

  • Begin in a plank position.
  • As you bring one knee toward your chest, keep the other leg stretched.
  • Quickly change your legs to drive the opposite knee toward your chest.
  • Repeat on both legs until you feel fatigued.

6. Butterfly Stretch

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It's a fantastic hip flexor workout, typically for pregnant women. As the body gets ready for childbirth, the hips need to become more flexible. So, this stretch gently promotes that flexibility without putting too much strain on the body.

How To Do:

  • Rest on the floor, with your back erect and arms sideways.
  • Gradually get the soles of your feet together and pull them toward your body.
  • The feet should be still as you drop your knees toward the floor.
  • Steadily press down on your knees with your elbows for a deeper stretch.

7. Standing Quad Stretch

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Although the name implies a workout for the quads, this simple exercise also targets the hip flexor muscles, effectively alleviating tension in the hip region.

Moreover, you can do it anywhere, whether it be your home, office, or gym.

How To Do:

  • While standing tall, keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed. You can hold a chair or wall for support.
  • Bend one knee and raise it backward. Grasp the ankle of the raised foot with one hand.
  • With your hand, move the leg towards the butt.
  • Feel the deep stretch for 30-40 seconds, before lowering down.
  • Repeat this process for another leg too.
  • Perform this stretch 5-7 times for each leg.

8. Bridge Pose

Source : pixahive

The bridge pose requires the muscles to work in conjunction with the hips and lower back. Practice this exercise for about 2-3 minutes daily, completing 3 sets.

How To Do:

  • Lie on your back with knees slightly bent, and keep the feet flat on the floor.
  • Place both arms at your sides with palms facing down.
  • Pressing the palms, lift the hips and lower back towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat this pose at least 10-12 times.

9. Leg Raise

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Straightforward but highly effective, the leg raise shines due to its ability to isolate and engage the iliopsoas and rectus femoris.

Lifting your legs helps to create resistance that opens up these tight hip flexor muscles, enhancing their strength and endurance.

How To Do:

  • With your chest facing the ceiling, rest on the floor.
  • Slowly lift them towards the ceiling but keep them straight.
  • Use your core to control the movement and avoid using momentum.
  • Lower your legs back down without touching the floor.
  • Perform around 10-12 repetitions.

10. Flutter Kicks

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Including flutter kicks as part of your daily workout routine can be extremely beneficial for the hip flexor muscles. Consistent lifting of the legs in a controlled fashion can enhance flexibility and build endurance.

How To Do:

  • Lie flat on your back with hands under your hips for support.
  • Place the legs slightly off the ground, but keep them straight.
  • Using an up-and-down pattern, move your legs in a controlled, fluttering motion.
  • Practice Flutter Kicks for 30 seconds to a minute.

11. Sit Ups

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People typically practice a sit up to strengthen their abs, but it could also be used to activate the hip flexors. Moreover, it may be quite intense for a beginner.

How To Do:

  • Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  • You can also use a chair or bench to support your legs.
  • Place both hands under your head, remembering to press gently.
  • Engage your core and hip flexors to lift your upper body slowly.
  • Lower your body back down with slow, controlled movements.

12. Warrior I Pose

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A foundational yoga asana, Warrior-I pose serves as a full body stretch for various muscles, including hip flexors. This technique is believed to have been created by the ancient Indian yogis.

How To Do:

  • Stand tall with your shoulders relaxed.
  • Step one foot back as you keep the back leg straight and the heel lifted.
  • Bend the front knee to a 90-degree angle.
  • Then, raise your arms overhead.
  • Maintain balance and try to utilize the hip flexors to control the hold.

13. Hip Flexor Step-Up

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Are you looking for an easy workout to improve flexibility in the hip region? If so, hip flexor step-ups are one of the best options for you. They target the hip flexors while also engaging the glutes and quads.

Once you step onto the platform, the hip flexors become activated, enhancing your range of motion. This makes it a top choice for hip mobility exercises as well.

How To Do:

  • Stand in front of an elevated surface (bench or box).
  • Place one foot on the surface; make sure the entire foot is flat.
  • Push through the elevated foot to lift your body, driving the opposite knee toward your chest.
  • Step back down with the opposite leg, returning to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

14. Kettlebell Swing

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Kettlebell swing is a powerhouse workout that not only burns calories but also engages the hip flexors effectively. The engagement occurs when you drive the kettlebell forward by hinging at the hips.

How To Do:

  • Stand upright and grab a kettlebell of light or medium weight.
  • Place the kettlebell near your groin.
  • Hinge at the hips, pushing the kettlebell between your legs.
  • Then, swing the kettlebell forward in an upward arc.
  • Bring the kettlebell overhead, then lower it steadily back down.

15. Seated Knee Tucks

Source : youtube

Seated knee tucks are normally done on the floor via pulling the knees towards your chest and then extending them back out. This movement helps build endurance in the hip flexors while also improving core stability.

How To Do:

  • Drop down onto the comfort of your floor mat. Your feet must be off the ground during the entire workout.
  • Bend your knees and pull them toward your chest.
  • Change between tucking and extending your legs for around 15 reps.

Can Walking Relieve Tight Hip Flexors?

Whenever workouts such as kettlebell swings, mountain climbers, or sit-ups feel too intense, there's always the option of a simple, everyday activity: walking.

Walking for 30 minutes a day might be a wonderful remedy for hip flexor tightness. As you walk, hip flexion gets engaged to keep them loose. This eventually strengthens and increases flexibility in the region.

Likewise, repetitive motion of walking can promote better circulation and improve the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the hip area.

When To Visit A Doctor?

While doing the exercises mentioned above, you may suffer from pain or discomfort in the hip muscles. In that case, it is wise to halt the workout sessions and rest properly.

Now, if the pain doesn’t subside or only gets worse, you must immediately consult a health professional. Working out with a painful hip could actually make matters worse.

After receiving treatment for hip pain, you shouldn’t jump back into exercise too quickly. Wait around 1-2 weeks before finally returning to practice.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is intended for information purposes only. Don't take it as a medical advice.

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