19 Benefits Of Pilates That May Surprise You

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Created by Joseph Pilates during World War I, Pilates is a type of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility, and body awareness. This exercise works well for people of all ages.

Many people know Pilates helps with core strength, but it also offers several other surprising health benefits. So, let's dive into 19 of them in detail:

1. Improves Core Strength

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This is one of the top benefits of Pilates. It targets the muscles in the abdomen, and lower back through controlled and precise movement to strengthen them.

Meanwhile, the variations of movements, make it easy to target different parts of the core, speeding up its growth. 

2. Corrects Posture

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The core and the muscles surrounding the spine play a key role in proper posture. Lucky for you, Pilates strengthens both of them rewarding you with a corrected posture in just a few weeks.

Meanwhile, the controlled movements of Pilates create awareness about the body’s positioning, fostering habits that translate into daily life. These small changes later help in optimizing the posture as well as spine health.

3. Promotes Pelvic Floor Health

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The third benefit that one can receive from Pilates is a stronger core. Multiple Pilates exercises can be used to target this area. By executing these exercises regularly, the muscles in the pelvic region get stronger.

With the increase in strength, this part of the body becomes more stable and provides better support.

4. Enhances Muscle Tone

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Pilates fuses strength, flexibility, and control. This fusion makes it a powerhouse in enhancing muscle tone. It targets various muscle groups and promotes their development to make them look more defined.

With time, Pilates even builds flexibility in these muscles while also helping you to achieve a well-sculptured physique.

5. Increases Body Awareness

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With the incorporation of precision and control, Pilates can also be used to increase body awareness. During this exercise, you have to pay close attention to your body’s movements and muscle engagement.

Through that, you learn more about the moving and working of different body parts. Later, this mind-body connection transitions into daily life encouraging awareness of posture, movement patterns, and muscle engagement in daily life.

6. Decreases Stress Level

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The focused breathing technique used while performing Pilates calms down the nervous system. This ultimately lowers the cortisol and promotes a sense of serenity. 

Likewise, the rhythmic flow of the exercises creates a meditative feeling, allowing an escape from the stressful world.

7. Improves Flexibility

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Since Pilates includes stretches and controlled movements, it naturally unlocks the body’s flexibility in a short period of time. This exercise works the entire body and stimulates the elongation of the muscles and joints forcing them to adapt to the changes in flexibility and mobility over time.

Moreover, the smooth nature of Pilates prevents overstretching and promotes balanced flexibility in the body.

8. Elevates Joint Health

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Along with improving the flexibility of joints, Pilates is also effective in elevating their health. It acts as a gentle yet powerful method to lubricate the joints and build stability in the muscles surrounding them, providing better support.

Similarly, Pilates also reduces the tension and stiffness in the joints to enhance the overall joint function. Adding a few movements into your exercise routine will make daily movements pretty smooth and comfortable.

9. Improves Sleep

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This is an unimaginable benefit of Pilates. As mentioned earlier, this form of exercise reduces stress, offering a relaxed feeling. When the mind becomes free of stress, falling asleep at night becomes easy and the sleep quality also improves.

Meanwhile, studies like the ones published in PubMed Central in March 2020 have also stated that Pilates may improve sleep quality in the long term.

10. Prevents Injury

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Until now it has become quite clear that Pilates improves muscle flexibility and strengthens the joints. When the muscles and joints become strong, the risk of injuries also decreases significantly. 

This is because most of the injuries are caused due to the over-tightness or weakness of these body parts. Likewise, research published in Scielo Brazil in July 2016 has also claimed that Pilates might play an important role in preventing injuries.

11. Improves Breathing

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During Pilates, every movement is performed along with controlled breathing. Due to this, the capacity of the lung increases and the respiratory function gets improved. 

This exercise also encourages diaphragmatic breathing which involves deep inhalation and exhalation with minimal use of the chest. When an individual does this regularly, breathing with proper technique becomes a habit.

12. Helps In Injury Rehabilitation

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Pilates is highly effective for injury rehabilitation. To help in this process, it emphasizes controlled movements and precision. Trying out this exercise in the rehabilitation of back injuries offers the best result.

It strengthens the core and provides support to the spine to speed up the process. Similarly, the adjustable nature of Pilates makes it suitable for various stages of recovery.

It is a therapeutic pathway that promotes healing and restores functional movement patterns.

13. Elevates Mood

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Pilates is also a mood enhancer that seamlessly intertwines physical movements and mindful breathing. This creates a positive impact on overall mood and well-being.

It continuously stimulates the release of endorphins to make one feel more calm and composed. Moreover, the complete involvement of mind and body in this exercise works as a mental escape from daily life stress.

14. Boosts Immunity

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Improvement in the immune system is a result of improved blood circulation that Pilates promotes. When the oxidized blood and nutrients reach each and every corner of the body, the number of disease-fighting cells significantly rises. 

Later, this rise makes the body immune from multiple pathogenic bacteria.

15. Improves Balance

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This is surely an easy benefit of Pilates to guess. Balance is mostly based on factors like core strength, body awareness, flexibility, and posture. All of these are enhanced by Pilates which eventually results in a perfectly balanced body.

Improvement in balance helps in daily activities like walking, twisting, jumping, and many more.

16. Supports In Weight Management

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Pilates is a helpful exercise for weight management that combines strength training and flexibility. It helps in building lean muscle mass which increases resting metabolic rate.

This sudden increase helps in burning calories even while resting. During this exercise, multiple muscles work together to create a full-body workout promoting calorie expenditure to assist in weight management.

17. Reduces Menstrual Pain

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Reduction in menstrual pain is another important benefit that Pilates has to offer. It is one of the best exercises to perform during the period that can improve blood flow and lower the inflammation level that causes menstrual pain.

The stretching and strengthening movements of Pilates also contribute to the relaxation of muscles in the pelvic area which reduces tension and pain.

18. Enhances Sports Performance

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Pilates can also be used to enhance athletic performance. By strengthening the muscles and improving joint flexibility, it balances the body to promote quick reactions.

This, in turn, prevents sports-related injuries in the long term. Based on a study published in Plos One Journal in March 2018, Pilates can be used to improve running performances.

19. Improves Digestion

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Although it is hard to believe, Pilates also improves digestion in an indirect way. This exercise boosts blood circulation which aids in the better functioning of the digestive system.

Meanwhile, proper breathing techniques used while executing Pilates stimulate the digestive organs and enhance overall gut health.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for information purposes only. Do not take it as a medical advice.

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