14 Lower Body Stretches For Total Flexibility

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Stretching is very necessary for maintaining lower body flexibility, preventing injuries, and enhancing overall fitness. It is more than just a pre- or post-workout routine.

Since many health benefits are attributed to consistent stretching, people may have an interest in simple stretches for lower body. Here areĀ 14 of the best lower body stretches that can help you achieve total flexibility.

1. Seated Forward Fold

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The seated forward fold, or Paschimottanasana in yoga, is the finest pose that offers a deep stretch for the hamstrings, lower back, and spine.

Particularly beneficial after a long day of sitting, it helps to release the tension in areas that eventually become tight and compact. It is an ideal stretch to mentally and physically relax you.

How To Do:

  1. Start by sitting on the mat and expanding your legs fully in front of you. Move your feet to activate the muscles in your legs.
  2. Sit up tall and inhale deeply to extend your spine. Just imagine creating space between each vertebra.
  3. Once you exhale, hinge from your hips and slowly fold forward, reaching for your toes, ankles, or shins.
  4. Make your spine as flat as possible to prevent strain on your lower back and allow your head and neck to relax as you fold deeper with each exhale.
  5. Carry on this pose for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply and steadily.
  6. With each breath, try to gently deepen the stretch but do not force it.

2. Calf Stretch

Source : popsugar

The calf muscles in your body play an important role in every step you take whether from walking and running to jumping and standing. Tightness in calves can lead to common issues like reduced ankle mobility, and heel spur syndrome so it's very necessary to stretch them regularly to keep them flexible and strong.

How To Do:

  1. First, stand side by side with any wall with your feet hip-width apart and keep your hands on the wall at shoulder height.
  2. Step one leg back from the original position and bend your front knee while keeping both feet flat on the ground with the toes of both feet pointing forward.
  3. Feel a stretch along the calf muscle by pressing the heel of your back leg gently into the ground.
  4. You can then alter the intensity of the stretch by folding your front knee more deeply, but keep the back leg straight, ensuring your hips are square and facing the wall.
  5. You have to hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply, then switch legs and redo.

3. Butterfly Stretch

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A simple yet very effective stretch exercise, butterfly stretch targets the inner thighs and opens up the hip area, which is often tight from persistent sitting.

It is very applicable in increasing hip flexibility and minimizing body stiffness. Incorporating this stretch into your daily exercise routine aids in improving hip elasticity, stretching the groin, and removing lower back discomfort.

How To Do:

  1. Firstly, sit on the floor with your spine tall and your legs bent. Let your knees fall out to the sides, forming a butterfly shape by bringing the soles of your feet together.
  2. Gently pull your feet or ankles closer to your body to intensify the stretch.
  3. By using your elbows softly, press your knees towards the floor, feeling a stretch along the inner thighs and groin.
  4. Make your back straight and your core engaged to prevent slouching. Breathe deeply and relax into the pose.
  5. Continue the stretch for about 30 seconds, letting the muscles release and lengthen with each exhale.

4. Figure Four Stretch

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The Figure Four stretch is a perfect stretch for putting pressure on the gluteal muscles. When these muscles are stiff, they can cause back pain and discomfort.

This deep stretch frees up the hips and increases overall mobility. This eventually alleviates tightness in the glutes, piriformis, and hips, which can be a major factor in lower back pain.

How To Do:

  1. Lie down on your back while bending your knees flat on the mat.
  2. After that lift your right leg and cross your right ankle over your left thigh which creates a "4" shape.
  3. Take your hands around the back of your left thigh and pull it toward your chest, feeling a stretch in your right glute and hip.
  4. Keep your head and shoulders relaxed on the floor and breathe deeply, allowing muscles to relax and maintaining a neutral spine.
  5. Do this exercise for 30 seconds, then shift sides and redo with left ankle over right thigh.

5. Lying Hamstring Stretch

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A powerful way to elongate and loosen up the tight hamstrings, lying hamstring stretch is very beneficial among runners, cyclists, and anyone who spends long hours sitting.

Reduced flexibility, discomfort, and even lower back pain are signs caused by a tight hamstring, which makes this stretch an essential addition to your fitness recovery.

How To Do:

  1. Start by lying down on the mat and keep your legs extended with arms resting gently by your side.
  2. Then bend one knee, keep your foot flat on the mat for balance, and lift the opposite leg towards the ceiling.
  3. Hold the back of your thigh calf, or knee with both hands.
  4. Calmly pull your leg towards your chest while keeping your knee slightly bent if required. You have to focus on keeping both hips grounded and your lower back flat on the floor.
  5. Continue the stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

6. Pigeon Stretch

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Pigeon stretch, aka Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, is a strong yoga pose known for its profound hip-opening benefits. This stretch specifically targets the glutes, sartorius muscles, and piriformis muscles.

It is also a favorite among yogis for its tendency to release deep-seated tightness and improve elasticity. This stretch also improves circulation and releases emotional tension stored in the hips, promoting relaxation and mental calmness.

How To Do:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Bring your right knee toward your right wrist, letting your shin rest diagonally across the mat. Keep your right leg flat on the ground with your foot flexed.
  3. Expand your left leg straight behind you, keeping your hips square and in the center.
  4. Breathe in to expand your spine, then exhale and gently lower your trunk over your right shin, resting on your forearms or extending your arms out in front for an intense stretch.
  5. Continue this pose for 1-2 minutes, breathing deeply and allowing your muscles to release tension and redo on the other side.

7. Standing Quad Stretch

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Quadriceps femoris are one of the largest and strongest muscle groups present in the front thighs. They are important muscles as they play a key role in walking, running, and creating a proper posture.

However, signs like knee pain, limited mobility, and poor posture can arise if any tightness prevails in these muscles. This stretching exercise helps elongate the quadriceps and hip flexors, which can become tight from persistent sitting or any intense exercise.

How To Do:

  1. Firstly, stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Carry your weight onto one leg and bend the opposite knee, bringing your heel towards your bottom.
  3. Reach back with the same side hand to catch your ankle or the top of your foot.
  4. Make your knees aligned, close together, and your core engaged.
  5. You can take additional support from the wall or chair for balance if you need it.
  6. Continue the stretch for 20-30 seconds, feeling a gentle pull along the front of your thigh, and repeat the same for another leg.

8. Supine Spinal Twist

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A restorative exercise, a supine spinal twist provides alignment and balance to the back, hips, and even shoulders. Additionally, it also aids in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. It also enhances spinal health by increasing strength and flexibility.

How To Do:

  1. At first, lie straight on your back on a comfortable surface and expand your arms to the sides at shoulder height, forming a "T" shape with your palm facing up.
  2. Then fold one knee and draw it up towards your chest. Use the other hand to gently escort your bent knee across your body, letting it drop toward the floor.
  3. Keep both shoulders pressed gently into the ground, even if your knee doesn't touch the floor. You must feel a gentle stretch through your lower back, glutes, and along your spine.
  4. Rotate your head in the opposite direction of your knee for an extra stretch in the neck and shoulders.
  5. Hold this position for about 30 seconds, inhaling deeply and letting your body relax. Return to the starting position and redo on the other side.

9. Lizard Stretch

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Lizard stretch, or Utthan Pristhasana, is a strong hip opener that generates a deep stretch for the inner thighs and hamstrings. This pose is beneficial for runners, cyclists, or anyone engaged in excessive workouts as it aids in releasing tightness and boosts transportability in the lower body.

Regularly performing this exercise opens up the hips, stretches the hamstrings, and removes tension in the lower back.

How To Do:

  1. Begin by staying in a low lunge position.
  2. Keep both hands on the inside of your right foot, arranging them with your shoulders.
  3. For a more intense stretch, calmly lower your forearms to the ground or onto a block, if your flexibility allows, and keep your chest open and your gaze slightly forward.
  4. After that, keep your left leg expanded behind you with the knee lifted off the ground
  5. Press through the ball of your foot to involve your leg muscles.
  6. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and feeling the stretch in your inner thighs and hamstrings.

10. Frog Stretch

Source : yogapractice

A unique and strong stretch, the frog pose (Mandukasana) primarily targets the groin, inner thighs, and hip muscles. This is an effective lower-body exercise and incorporating this in your workout can increase your range of motion, making everyday movements more fluent and less restricted.

How To Do:

  1. Start by keeping your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
  2. Then slowly slide your knees out to the sides, keeping them in alignment with your bottom.
  3. You must ensure your feet are behind your knees, with ankles and toes pointing outward.
  4. Then gradually bring your forearms to the floor for added support.
  5. Push your hips backward until you feel an intense stretch in the inner thighs and groin.
  6. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and putting your core to the stretch.

11. Runner's Lunge Stretch

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The Runner's Lunge is an energetic stretch that's ideal for opening up the iliopsoas, stretching the extensor muscle, and elongating the calves.

Including this stretch in your stretching routine can help to improve your stride, minimize muscle tightness, and enhance overall lower body mobility. Further, Runner's Lunge promotes better posture and alignment, ensuring a flexible lower body motion.

How To Do:

  1. To begin, simply stand with your feet hip-width apart. Then take a big step back with your one leg, folding your other knee to around a 90-degree angle. You have to ensure your knee is directly over your ankle, and the thigh is parallel to the ground.
  2. Place the unbent leg behind you, and press your heel down toward the floor. This process stretches the calf while keeping your leg active and strong.
  3. Keep your hands on the floor or on your bent knee for support, ensuring your chest remains open and your spine is elongated.
  4. Remain in this position for a few minutes, feeling the deep stretch in your hip flexors, quads, and calves.

12. Cobbler's Pose

Source : verywellfit

A rudimentary yoga pose similar to the butterfly stretch, cobbler's pose or Baddha Konasana primarily focuses on opening the hips and elongating the inner thighs.

This stretch is very beneficial for better circulation in the pelvic area and helps in lengthening the spine which enhances overall posture and reduces any signs of lower back pain.

How To Do:

  1. Look out for a comfortable seated position on the floor and draw the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to drop out to the sides.
  2. Gently grab your feet or ankles with your hands.
  3. After that, you have to sit up tall and straight, not creating any back arch.
  4. Then steadily lean forward from your hips, creating a straight back, until you feel a stretch in your inner thighs and groin.
  5. Continue this pose for around 1 minute by breathing calmly and relaxing with each exhale.

13. Reclined Big Toe Stretch

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Reclined Big Toe Pose, or Supta Padangusthasana, is a highly productive stretch that targets the hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs. It enhances overall leg flexibility. It is a very ideal workout for those who have tight leg muscles, such as runners and cyclists,

How To Do:

  1. Begin by lying flat on your back while extending your legs.
  2. Lift up your right leg towards the ceiling, keeping it erect.
  3. Then use a strap, belt, or towel around the ball of your raised foot.
  4. Hold the ends of your used strap tool and gently pull your leg towards you, feeling a stretch in the hamstring.
  5. After holding, release and shift to the other leg. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side, breathing deeply to relax.

14. Child's Pose

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A calming and energetic stretch, the child's pose or Balasana offers a tender stretch for hips, thighs, and lower back. It is also perfect for beginners and provides a comforting way to release tension from the lower body and mind after a long day or intense workout.

How To Do:

  1. To begin, kneel and sit back on your heels on the regular mat or floor.
  2. Stretch your arms out fully and gently lower your forehead to the ground. This must generate a stretch along your spine.
  3. After that, you can spread your knees for an intense stretch or keep them together.
  4. Hold out for 1-2 minutes, breathing deeply to calm the mind and stretch the body.

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