20 Incredible Benefits Of Running

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Running has many health benefits that can help transform your life in a positive way. This beginner-friendly exercise can be performed anywhere and may improve your physical as well as mental health.

So, let’s explore the 20 incredible benefits of running that have made it a popular sport among fitness fanatics.

1. Strengthens Bones

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For starters as well experienced runners, this is the most beneficial thing running has to offer. As a high-impact activity, running creates a lot of force in the body. Every bit of this force is absorbed by the bones which eventually makes them stronger.

Additionally, a run of just a few miles also leads to an increase in bone mineral density which helps maintain the skeletal system’s structural integrity.

2. Elevates Heart Health

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It isn’t hard to tell that running improves heart health. While running, our heart works extra hard to meet the physical demands.

The blood pumping capacity of the heart rises significantly during this time as it has to supply oxygen to every part of the body much faster than usual. This effort from the heart strengthens it as well as our cardiovascular fitness lowering the risk of heart disease.

Meanwhile, a study published in The National Library of Medicine in August 2014 has also stated that a run of about five to ten minutes every day reduces the risk of death from heart-related diseases.

3. Improves Mental Health

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This is another key benefits of running every day. Once you step out for a run, a chemical named endorphins starts to flood your brain, naturally giving you a temporary sense of well-being.

Meanwhile, the refreshing breezes from nature play another important role in making you feel relieved lowering your stress and anxiety. All these factors later result in improved mental health as you stay in peace throughout the day.

4. Promotes Weight Loss

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Cardio workouts are always the best way to lose weight. Among these exercises, running is considered the most beneficial one. As we know, running involves moving of many body parts including legs, knees, arms, and hips. This results in a faster calorie burn leading to a more efficient weight loss.

Likewise, the improvement in metabolic rate and higher consumption of oxygen caused by running also make the weight reduction process faster.

Moreover, multiple research and studies also support the claim that running benefits weight loss. However, it is important to stay consistent for visible results.

5. Boosts Immunity System

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Since running improves the metabolic rate, the process of energy production becomes faster. When this happens, the amount of white blood cells, cortisol, and adrenaline significantly rises in the body.

With time this process becomes more efficient leading to a better immune system function. Meanwhile, the duration of the run plays an important role in determining the change in the immune system.

6. Increases Knee Strength

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Knees play a key role in running. Due to this many people believe running can cause knee pain. However, this is not true because the pain is caused by either poor form or the use of wrong running shoes.

Instead of harming your knees, running enhances their overall health. Although it is hard to believe, but the compression caused in knees during a run brings more fluid to the joints and keeps them lubricated.

Further, the lubrication helps repair your cartilage naturally and reduces the damage to the cartilage, giving you a healthy knee.

7. Works Your Core

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Along with keeping our lower body healthy, running also helps work out our core. Muscles like the abs and obliques are continuously working during this activity.

These muscles connect the upper and lower body while also helping to maintain proper form and balance while running. In addition to that, they also absorb a certain amount of force produced when running and protect our back. 

8. Improves Sleep

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This is one of many benefits of running. As we have talked about earlier, running reduces stress levels and eliminates the anxious feeling to improve your mental health.

This improvement makes you more calm and relaxed which ultimately results in better sleep. In some cases, running can even help with insomnia leading to more consistent sleep patterns and deeper sleep stages.

9. Boosts Brainpower

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Engaging in a cardio activity like running every day can also boost brainpower. A tough run creates new brain cells and increases levels of brain-derived protein in the body.

This sudden increase improves different abilities like decision-making, thinking, and learning. According to a study published by Neurology Journals on May 26, 2020, running regularly for six months can bring some changes in cognitive domains as well as cerebrovascular regulations.

10. Enhances Discipline And Resilience

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Going out for a run every day without failing is not a simple thing to do. It needs strong discipline as you have to fight your feelings of laziness. This fight with your inner self trains your mind to stay committed to your goal despite the temptations.

With time, the addition of a run to your daily routine is going to make you disciplined and resilient helping you succeed in both your personal and professional lives.

11. Lowers The Risk Of Chronic Diseases

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Poor blood sugar levels and chronic inflammation cause chronic diseases. Thankfully, running improves our body’s ability to control blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, the continuous movement of joints and an increase in heart rate while running keep circulation in control providing the entire body with the proper ability to fight off dangerous pathogens and infections.

This helps prevent as well as cure chronic diseases much faster for runners as compared to others.

12. Connect You To A Community

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Running is also a great way to meet new people every day. When running in the local park you will have an opportunity to find like-minded people and even build a community along with all of them.

By doing this you can have social connections every day and share your thoughts to relieve stress and anxiety. It can even reward you with a healthier mind and an ability to make better life choices.

13. Increases Vitamin D

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Early morning runs with the sun shining above you are the best to get a sufficient amount of Vitamin D. During this time of the day, the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun are at a suitable level.

When these rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, Vitamin D is formed. This vitamin keeps your bones, teeth, and muscles healthy besides improving your resistance to diseases.

14. Controls Hunger Hormones

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The only thing needed to lose weight is calorie reduction. This means that a person has to eat less and work out more. For that, running is an ideal choice to make as it helps burn more calories while also controlling hunger hormones.

Running mostly does this by influencing multiple hormones and neural pathways that are responsible for making you feel hungry. It also increases the body temperature and signals the brain to reduce appetite, leaving you with no choice but to reduce your calorie intake.

15. Keeps Eye Healthy

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This is an unimaginable benefit that running gives. Running is said to have a significant impact on our vision because it increases the blood flow in the optic nerve. It helps you keep your eyes young and healthier for a long time.

In the meantime, the increase in blood flow transfers more blood to the optic area, preventing the eyes from harmful infections and diseases.

16. Boosts Energy

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During a run, your pulse heightens, you breathe louder and faster, and your heart pumps faster and harder to supply blood to your muscles and brain. Then the body releases powerful feel-good hormones like endorphins.

These hormones reduce stress, improve mood, and most importantly, boost energy. This boost in energy can be experienced throughout the day as you will feel motivated towards work and other daily activities.

17. Improves Digestion

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Along with benefiting our muscles and joints, running also improves our digestive system. The increase in blood circulation caused by running creates a perfect condition for microorganisms in our stomach to flourish.

These microorganisms prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, digest food, and absorb essential nutrients to keep on improving digestion in the long term.

18. Builds Stamina

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If performed regularly, running helps you overcome discomfort and physical stress while reducing exhaustion. The hard-working heart, lungs, and muscles expand to accommodate the change increasing your stamina by a small margin every single day.

An increased stamina helps you power through the day with a strong focus and energy. It also helps you take the run to a whole another level by adding a few extra miles.

19. Increases Life Span

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Running releases numerous hormonal changes and prevents an individual from chronic diseases as well. This further results in fewer health-related problems which in turn increases life span.

Many studies like the study published in the International Journal of Environment Research & Public Health have proven it concluding that running for 75 minutes per week can add an extra 12 years to your life.

20. Helps Connect With Nature

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Although this is not any physical or mental benefit of running, connecting with nature is something a lot of people have been missing. By running through a park or competing in a cross-country marathon, you will get to see nature up close and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

This is surely going to fill you with positive energy and decrease the feelings of depression. Escaping in nature along with some physical work is a great way to start your day.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be taken as a medical advice.

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