How to Do Push Ups? Types And Benefits

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Do you want to strengthen your upper body muscles? The classic exercise to get started with is the push-up. You may wonder what defines a push-up and how it should be properly executed. Instead of just declining to the floor and hoping for the best, there is a correct form to maximize benefits while limiting damage.

So, let's discuss how to do push ups, their types, and their benefits. It is important to comprehend the basics of push-ups before including them in your training routine.

How To Do Push Ups: Step-By-Step Guide

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Push-ups are easy and effective exercises that can be done at home. You don't need any additional equipment other than your body weight and a little space.

This workout is a versatile addition that fits into any schedule, whether you are a beginner or experienced. Here is the basic step-by-step guide on how to do a push up:

  • Start by lying on the plank position with the hands slightly wider than the shoulder.
  • Keep the body in a straight line.
  • Now, descend the chest to the ground with the bent elbows.
  • Stop when your chest is just about to touch the floor.
  • Push through the palms to extend the arms back into the initial position.
  • Perform this process for 10 to 15 reps if you are a beginner.

Push Ups Variations

This workout is well known for developing strength and endurance in the upper body. However, very few people consider the multiple varieties of push-ups that focus on many muscles.

Trying a few other variations of push-ups will enhance your workout and get you closer to reaching your fitness goals. So, let's look at some of the varieties you may want to try:

1. Incline Push-Up

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Incline push-ups are an excellent variant of the popular push-up exercises. They are ideal for anyone who wishes to work on building up the upper chest and shoulders because they involve less body lifting.

It is also good for people who want a challenging form of push-ups or recovering from an injury.

How To Do:

  • Find a stable surface such as a table or bench.
  • Put your hands on the front edge of the bench.
  • Step your feet out so that your body is in a straight line from head to heels.
  • Lower your chest toward the bench, bending your elbows while keeping your core strong.
  • Push up back to the beginning position, with arms fully extending.
  • Repeat for desired reps.

2. Clapping Push-Up

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They are energetic types that will add an explosive element to your regular push-up movement. If you want to raise the challenge with exercises, this is the one for you. A clap between push-ups ramps up the intensity of every repetition you do with the exercise.

It is a fun way to complement your whole workout routine.

How To Do:

  • Start by setting your hands into a standard push-up position.
  • Lower your body down, bending the elbows to your sides until your chest almost touches the floor.
  • Push up through so that your hands leave the ground with great force.
  • Quickly give a clap while your hands are in the air.
  • Put your hands back into the original position and repeat for 5 to 7 reps.

3. Diamond Push-Up

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If you think push-ups are pretty standard, then the Diamond Push-Up is a new twist that takes it all up to another level. Your hands have to be closer together in order to make the diamond shape, which does take a bit more concentration and control with this exercise.

This is a great variety to break the monotony of an exercise routine and make push-up sessions exciting and interesting.

How To Do:

  • Get into a regular push-up position by placing your hands underneath your chest.
  • Keep your thumbs and index finger together to make a diamond shape.
  • Your body should be in a straight line from head to toe.
  • Lower your chest down toward your hands by bending your elbows.
  • Then, come back up into the starting position and complete 4 to 6 reps.

4. Decline Push-Up

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Decline pushup workouts add some variety to your schedule by changing the body angle. This greatly amplifies the push-up movement by simply raising the feet, which also targets several muscles of the upper body.

Whether you do this at home or the gym, it's a great way to change up your workout routine.

How To Do:

  • Rest your feet on a step or bench.
  • Put your hands barely wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Straighten your arms and place yourself in a push-up position.
  • Drop your chest to the ground slowly.
  • Repeat by pressing yourself back up to the initial position.

5. One-Arm Push-Up

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It is a difficult variation that requires much control and balance because it involves completing the push-up with only one arm. This variation of the push-up can enhance the upper body's overall performance and improve coordination.

Adding this to your routine will make it interesting and place an extra challenge on your session.

How To Do:

  • Rest one hand on the floor and the other behind the back in a push-up position.
  • Bend the elbow and let your chest go toward the ground.
  • Press your hand to lift your body again up to the initial position.
  • Repeat the preferred number of reps.

Benefits Of Push Ups

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The push-up is one of the greatest forms of exercise and it has many advantages for your body. That's why incorporating push-ups into your routine can make all the difference in staying healthy. Here are the major benefits of push-ups:

1. Increases Muscle Endurance

Muscle endurance will be significantly enhanced after doing push-ups. You will engage multiple groups of muscles, such as the triceps, core, shoulders, and chest by doing daily push-ups. You will also notice that you do not tire as much while doing push-ups and other intense activities with time.

So, perform this exercise to build your muscles, which helps you to do daily activities effectively.

2. Improves Posture

One crucial way to improve your posture is to do push-ups, which reinforce the muscles that support your spine. Frequently practicing push-ups keeps good alignment due to the strengthening and engagement of the back, shoulder, and chest muscles.

This helps reduce the effects of hunching or bad posture from extended sitting or standing. It will also improve your overall posture and give you a more aligned spine while promoting a balanced posture.

3. Builds Upper Body Strength

Do pushups build muscle? Yes, pushups are among the best exercises for strengthening and building upper body muscles. They also work on the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles to develop overall fitness.

It works together by raising and lowering your body with each repetition, resulting in gains in muscular growth and endurance. Without requiring special equipment, push-ups are an easy approach to higher upper body strength.

4. Burn Calories

Proper pushup form is essential for burning calories and losing weight. It works on a significant number of muscles simultaneously, including arms, shoulders, core, and chest muscles. This requires more energy to activate the muscles, which will increase caloric expenditure.

These exercises are an excellent way to increase your overall potential to burn more calories during exercise and lose weight.

5. Enhances Flexibility

This exercise enhances flexibility because the muscles are lengthened and stretched. Lowering yourself toward the floor encourages the elongation of the chest and shoulder muscles.

Doing push-ups frequently will stretch these muscles and keep them toned, increasing their flexibility.

6. Enhances Core Stability

During the entire exercise, contraction of the core muscles helps support and stabilize your body. This continuous use of the core stabilizes and strengthens the area around your torso.

With every push-up, the core strains to keep the body aligned and steady once you hold the plank position. A stronger core can provide a more stable and resilient performance overall.

How many Pushups A Day?

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Have you ever wondered how many pushups to do a day? After you master good form for pushups, you need to determine how many sets and repetitions are necessary for a better workout routine. If you are new to pushups, start with 3 sets of 8 to 12 daily. This will keep most injuries down and build up your strength and endurance in muscles.

Once you become proficient with push-ups, you can always switch things around and make your routine more intense. In general, it's best to stick with four sets of 12-20 push-ups a day so that the muscles will continue to work in your favor. By following this exercise program, your muscles are ensured to be worked on constantly, leading to continuous improvement.

Higher-level goals for fitness can be set at up to 50 to 100 pushups per day. However, remember that pushups alone cannot bring complete fitness or muscle definition. It is still necessary to try different combinations of workouts with proper dieting.

When To Do Pushups?

You can do push-ups at any time, depending on your goals or fitness program. Do them in the warm-up to activate muscles or within the main course for maximum strength gain and endurance. The best part is that you can even do these light exercises throughout the day, especially if you have a desk job so that the muscles are always kept active.

It would be best if you preferably did pushups either in the morning to start your day or in the evening to wrap up your day. Finding a good time is important to suit your schedule and gain maximum benefits from it.

What Do Push Ups Workout?

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Classic push-ups are a form of exercise that engages several groups of upper body muscles with a simple up-and-down motion. Besides contributing to building muscles, this simple exercise enhances general strength and stability. 

You can make the most out of every single push-up you perform if you identify the major muscles being engaged. Some of them include:

1. Chest Muscles

Aka pectoral muscles, push-ups are great for strengthening chest muscles. When you press yourself down toward the floor, the muscles in your chest contract and stabilize the movement of your body.

The motion can be repeated several times to enhance the growth and endurance of the pectorals. By adjusting the hand placement and angles for upper body development, you can vary the intensity and emphasis on different parts of the chest.

2. Shoulders Muscles

Other muscles involved in push-ups include the shoulder muscles, also known as deltoids. The deltoid muscles control the descent during the lowering of the torso, preventing shoulders from being overly stressed. 

A push-up tightens these deltoid muscles, lifting the body upwards and extending the arms for better alignment and balance. Repetition of this exercise builds up the entire shoulder area, providing stability and endurance.

3. Triceps Muscles

They work with the triceps, a major controlling muscle for movement and a synergist to support your arms as you descend your body toward the floor. Your elbows will be extended, and your arms will be straightened as you push your body back up.

Repeated workouts will help strengthen the triceps while increasing their size and stamina. Modifying hand placements during pushups also emphasizes the triceps even more and consequently develops strength and muscle shape.

4. Core Muscles

Push-ups involve balance and stability during the movement and assist in activating your core muscles. Engaging your lower back and abdominals will keep your body straight and in a solid line from the head to the heels as you complete a push-up. 

This avoids hip sagging and raises them high for proper alignment, reducing the risk of injury. Over time, it will also strengthen your core muscles, which are essential for performing daily activities and other exercises.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Although push-ups are among the best strength exercises, they tend to be less effective and can even result in injury if you do not perform correctly. To get the most out of push-ups, you have to avoid making these mistakes during your workout:

  • If your hands are held too far or too close, your wrists and shoulders will strain. For optimal posture, your hands should be placed shoulder-width apart.
  • Allowing your hips to drop creates lower back pain. Maintain a straight line from head to heel to engage your core muscles.
  • If you allow your elbows to flare out to the sides, your shoulders may have unnecessary pressure.
  • Don't allow your body weight to sink or rise as high as possible in the upward phase of the exercise. Doing so will diminish the effectiveness of push-ups.
  • Bad breathing can reduce your performance. Take a breath on the lower phase of movement and release while you push upwards to keep your breath even.
  • Do not perform push-ups too quickly. Always maintain a slow and steady pace while doing it.

Safety Tips While Doing Push Ups

Although a fantastic exercise for maintaining a healthy life, you still need to pay attention to safety while conducting push-ups.

Here are some safety tips and tricks that will demonstrate how to do a push up safely and effectively:

  • Warm Up Properly: Warm up in advance to prepare your muscles and joints to optimize performance and reduce the chance of injury.
  • Body Alignment: The body alignment should be straight from head to heels. This will prevent the hips from sagging and reduce pressure on the lower back.
  • Comfortable Surface: Push-ups performed on soft surfaces provide a smooth experience that can help to reduce pain in the hands and knees.
  • Body Awareness: If you experience discomfort at any point, stop and consult a doctor immediately.
  • Elbows at 45-Degree Angle: While practicing pushups, the elbow must be kept at 45 degrees away from the body. This relieves tension at the shoulder level and prevents possible injuries.
  • Gradual Progression: Start with a manageable number of push-ups and gradually increase the volume. This will prevent injuries while your body is learning to adapt.
  • Include Rest Days: Rest days between workouts are necessary to avoid overtraining, which may lead to muscular exhaustion. It will also give the muscles enough time to grow and recover properly.

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