20 Strength Training Exercises At Home For Beginners

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If you are looking to build muscle and boost overall body strength, strength training might be your secret weapon. No matter what your fitness level or goals are, an intense workout routine must be sustainable and efficient. 

You don't even need a fancy gym membership to get started. With a few simple tools, you can easily kick-off effective strength training in your own safe space. Let's discover the 20 best strength training exercises you can try on your own.

1. Bodyweight Squats

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One of the basic exercises, squats targets the entire lower body and involves the core, boosting strength, stability, and balance. They are very versatile and can be practiced anywhere, anytime, with no equipment needed.

It is very perfect for rookies and builds a strong foundation for more advanced exercises and everyday movements. Bodyweight squats target quads, hamstrings, and glutes for flexible and strain-free mobility and flexibility.

How To Do It:

  1.  At first, stand shoulder-width apart with toes pointing slightly outward.
  2.  Make your chest lifted, back straight, and core engaged.
  3.  Then gradually lower your body as if you're sitting back in a chair and ensure your knees don't go past your toes.
  4.  Go down until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as far as your mobility lets you.
  5. Push your heels to stand back up, squeezing your glutes at the top. Then simply you have to aim for 12-15 squats per set.

2. Push-Ups

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Push-ups are a classic move and are simple yet very effective. They work multiple upper body muscles while also engaging your core for stability. Primarily push-ups target the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core, making them a powerhouse for generating sustained muscular strength.

How To Do It:

  1. Begin in a plank position by keeping your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your body in alignment from head to heels.
  2. Keep your core and lower body tight by folding your elbows until your chest is just above the floor.
  3. Maintain your elbows at around a 45-degree angle to your body.
  4. Return to the starting position by gently pushing the floor with the help of your palms. You can then aim for 8-12 push-ups per set and increase the limit as per your convenience.

3. Lunges

Source : hoopsking

A powerhouse move for building lower body strength and improving stability, lunges are easily adjustable exercises which makes them a staple for all fitness levels. They primarily target quads muscles, hamstrings, and glutes while also activating your core for stability.

How To Do It:

  1. Start by standing with your feet together and your core engaged.
  2. Move forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees form about a 90° angle. You must ensure your front knees stay above your ankle, not pushing past your toes.
  3. Keep your trunk upright as you lower, and avoid leaning forward.
  4. Push through the heel of your front foot to return to the starting position.
  5. Aim for around 10 reps for each leg and slowly increase the limit as per your need.

4. Plank

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Planks are the ultimate core crusher as they activate the entire core, including those deep stabilizing muscles, while also working your shoulders and back. This simple exercise improves posture, enhances stability, and builds overall strength without any added equipment.

It is also very easy to modify or advance by adding side planks or lifting a leg, making it perfect for any fitness level.

How To Do It:

  1.  At first, begin in a forearm plank position by keeping your forearms flat on the ground and your elbows under your shoulders.
  2.  Make your body aligned from head to heels.
  3.  Involve your core, squeeze your glutes, and hold this position. Focus on breathing and keeping everything tight.
  4.  Keep this form for as long as possible and aim to hold for 30-60 seconds at most.

5. Glute Bridges

Source : setforset

One of the ideal ways to strengthen your gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and lower back, glute bridges enhance and make your core powerful. It is beneficial for better performance and injury prevention. This exercise is easily adjustable and suits various fitness levels too.

How To Do It:

  1. At first, recline on your back by folding your knees and keeping your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Put your arms by your side with palms facing down.
  3. Press through your heels and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips towards the ceiling, forming alignment from your knees to shoulders.
  4. Hold at the top for a second, squeezing your glutes tight.
  5. Gently lower your hips back down with control, but do not let them rest on the floor, and aim for around 15-20 per set.

6. Dumbbell Rows

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Dumbbell rows are a powerhouse move for building a strong, shaped back and robust arms. They not only target the major muscles in your upper back and shoulders but also improve posture and core balance.

With persistent practice, this exercise can help you stand taller and lift heavier, making them a pioneer for any strength training routine. Primarily targeting the back, shoulders, and biceps, this exercise is a great set of daily routines to build robust strength in the body.

How To Do It:

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your body.
  2. Curve your hips with a slight fold in your knees, keeping your back flat and core engaged.
  3. Pull the weights up towards your hips, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top.
  4. Maintain your elbows close to your body and avoid rounding your back.
  5. Gradually lower the weights back down to the starting position, maintaining control, and try to do 10-12 sets per side.

7. Wall Sit

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A tough exercise that builds serious endurance in your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, wall sits are perfect for strengthening the lower body while involving your core for stability. You can do them anywhere where there's a wall, making them a convenient addition to any workout routine.

How To Do It:

  1. Begin by standing with your back flat against a wall about 2 feet away. Stand by maintaining your feet at shoulder-width distance.
  2. Gradually skid your back down the wall until your knees are folded at a 90° angle. Imagine it like sitting in an invisible chair.
  3. Focus on making your core tight, press your back against the wall, and keep your knees directly above your ankles.
  4. Hold on to this position for 30-60 seconds at most. Ensure to breathe properly and maintain a strong posture.

8. Bicep Curls

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Bicep Curls is a classic move that specifically targets the biceps, helping to build strength and muscle definition in the arms. It is a very effective exercise that you can incorporate into sculpting lean and strong arms.

How To Do It:

  1. At first, stand erect holding a dumbbell in each hand with your arms completely extended and palms facing forward.
  2. Make your elbows close to your trunk and curl the weights up towards your shoulders, compressing the biceps at the top.
  3. Prohibit any swinging or generating momentum and just focus on using the biceps to lift the weight.
  4. Steadily lower the weights back down to the starting position with control, extending your arms fully, and try to aim for 12-15 lifts per set.

9. Tricep Dips

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A powerhouse move for strengthening the back of your arms, tricep dips specifically target the triceps while engaging the shoulders for added balance. You also do not need any fancy equipment as a simple chair or bench can aid you in this exercise.

It is very effective for shaping lean arms and adding a little extra challenge to your routine.

How To Do It:

  1. Sit on the border of a chair or bench, keeping your hands next to your hips with your fingers pointing forward.
  2. Skid your hips off the bench, supporting your weight with your hands.
  3. Lower your body by folding your elbows and keeping them close to your sides, and your shoulders away from your ears.
  4. Straighten your arms and lift back up to the starting position by pushing through your arms. Aim to do 10-15 dips per set and increase the numbers at your convenience.

10. Step-Ups

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Step-ups are like stair climbing's powerful cousin. They provide an excellent workout for your legs and gluteal muscles, imitating the movement of climbing stairs.

This move primarily targets the quads and hamstring by building strength and enhancing balance and coordination. This exercise is easily adaptable and is ideal for anyone looking to strengthen their lower body.

How To Do It:

  1. Look for a well-built chair or bench that's stable and at a comfortable height.
  2. Step up onto the chair with one foot, pressing through your heel to lift your body.
  3. Bring your other foot up to stand fully on the bench.
  4. Step back down with the same leg that led, then repeat the movement with the opposite leg. You can aim for around 10 moves for the leg and gradually increase as per your need.

11. Russian Twists

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A dynamic core exercise that really fires up your obliques while also engaging your entire midsection, Russian twists are excellent for improving rotational strength and promoting overall core balance. They are also very easy to incorporate into a workout routine with a weight or ball and a bit of floor space.

How To Do It:

  1. Begin by sitting on the floor with your knees folded and your feet lifted slightly off the ground. You can lean back just enough to involve your core.
  2. Grab onto a weight or a ball with both hands, keeping your arms extended in front of you.
  3. Twist your trunk to the right, bringing the weight or ball towards your bottom, then rotate to the left, involving your obliques with each turn.
  4. Keep your movements regulated and steady, focusing on compressing your core with each twist. You can initially aim for 15 twists per side and then gradually increase the numbers at your ease.

12. Burpees

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Burpees are the ultimate strength training exercise. They combine strength, cardio, and explosive power in one high-intensity exercise. This dynamic move not only builds tolerance and strength across your entire body but also sheds calories like a champ.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. By placing your hands on the floor, fall into a squat position.
  3. Kick your feet back into a plank position and do a push-up.
  4. Bounce your feet back towards your hands, return to the squat position, and then explode upward into a jump.
  5. Land gently and immediately repeat into the next set of steps and aim for 8-10 movements per set.

13. Calf Raises

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Another excellent exercise to build strong, defined calves, calf raises primarily target calves and enhances lower leg strength, which is very crucial for activities like running, jumping, and even everyday walking.

How To Do It:

  1. At first, stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart and evenly distribute your weight.
  2. Raise your heels off the ground as high as you can, involving your calf muscles.
  3. Hold the raised position for a second and again lower your heels back down, steadily maintaining control.
  4. Focus on keeping your movements smooth and conscious throughout and aim for 15-20 movements per set.

14. Dead Bugs

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Dead bugs are a core-strengthening powerhouse that enhances stability and coordination by challenging your abdominal muscles to maintain balance and control. This exercise is great for improving overall core strength and promotes better posture and functional movement in everyday activities.

How To Do It:

  1. At first, lie on your back with your arms extended straight upward to the ceiling and your knees folded at a 90° angle.
  2. Gradually lower your arm and leg at the same time until they are just above the floor. Keep your lower back pressed to the ground.
  3. Then return to the initial position with control and switch sides.
  4. Keep your focus on maintaining a steady core and smooth movement throughout each set and aim for 10 sets per side.

15. Superman

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A great exercise to generate strength in your lower back and glutes, superman is perfect for improving overall core stability and balancing out your core strength by targeting the often-neglected lower back.

This move assists in enhancing posture, reducing lower back pain, and supporting better movement mechanics.

How To Do It:

  1. Lie face down on the floor by extending your legs fully and arms straight in front of you.
  2. Lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground, simultaneously as high as you can. Contract your gluteal muscles and lower back muscles.
  3. Hold on to this lifted position for a few seconds, focusing on involving your back and glutes.
  4. Gradually lower back down to the starting position with control and aim for 12-15 per set with a gradual increase in numbers as per your daily practice.

16. Reverse Lunges

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Reverse lunges are a great strength-boosting workout that primarily targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. When compared to forward lunges, it is a bit easy as it offers less tension to the knees. It is ideal for enhancing lower body strength and stability.

How To Do It:

  1. Begin by standing with your feet together and engaging your core.
  2. After that, take a step back and lower your bottom until your both knees are folded at a right angle.
  3. You have to make sure your front knee stays above your ankle and doesn't get past your toes.
  4. Push through the heel of your front foot to get back to the initial position. You can make around 10 movements per leg while starting and gradually increase at your ease.

17. Mountain Climbers

Source : fitandwell

An energetic exercise that combines cardio and core work in one volatile move, mountain climbers involve multiple muscle groups, including the core, shoulders, and legs, while enhancing your heart rate to burn calories and promote tolerance.

How To Do It:

  1. At first, be in a strong plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in alignment.
  2. Bring one knee toward your chest by keeping your core rigid and your back flat.
  3. Swiftly switch your legs, expanding one leg back as you bring the other knee towards your chest, imitating a running position.
  4. Continue to alternate legs at a rapid pace by staying light on your toes. Aim to do this exercise for 30 seconds while beginning and gradually increase the time limit as per your body's endurance.

18. Chair Squats

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Chair squats are a fantastic workout for any beginners looking to refine their squat form. By incorporating a chair as your guide, you ensure proper depth and alignment, promoting strength and agility in the lower body.

How To Do It:

  1. Begin by standing with your legs at shoulder-width distance in front of a well-built chair, keeping your knees and toes pointing forward.
  2. Bring down your body as if you are sitting back in the chair, keeping your chest up and your back straight.
  3. Tap the border of the chair with your glutes without actually sitting down.
  4. Push through your heels to stand back up, fully extending your legs at the top. Try to aim for 12-15 moves per set.

19. Side Plank

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One of the best strength-boosting exercises, side planks primarily target obliques on the side of your core and aid in improving balance, stability, and shoulder strength.

How To Do It:

  1. Start by lying on your side with your legs elongated and feet piled up on top of each other.
  2. Prop yourself up on your bottom elbow, aligning it directly beneath your shoulder.
  3. Lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your feet, and involve your core.
  4. Hold onto this position for around 30 seconds by keeping your body stable and your top arm either on your hip or directed towards the ceiling.

20. Standing Overhead Dumbbell Press

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The standing overhead dumbbell press is a great workout for building strong defined shoulders and triceps. It also enhances upper-body strength, stability, and tolerance.

How To Do It:

  1. Begin by standing tall with a slight fold in your knees for balance.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height with palms facing forward.
  3. Press the weights overhead until your arms are fully extended, keeping your core involved to avoid arching your back.
  4. Gradually lower the dumbbells back down to shoulder height with control and aim for 12 moves per set.

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