20 Exercises To Help Lose Belly Fat At Home

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Belly fat is typically a stubborn problematic area that comes in two main types, i.e. subcutaneous fat (visible fat under the skin) and visceral fat (deep fat surrounding organs). Although exercise can't target fat loss specifically, it's integral for overall weight management.

Regular physical activity aids in burning calories. It can boost metabolism and strengthen core muscles, contributing to a flatter stomach. A balanced diet and consistent exercise are key for sustainable results.

1. Mountain Climber

Mountain climber exercise is regarded as a dynamic fitness tool that targets multiple muscle groups and enhances cardiovascular fitness.

This exercise is usually effective for core strengthening and burning belly fat. It mimics the motion of climbing a mountain but is performed on the floor, engaging your entire body.

How To Do It?

Begin in a high plank position, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked over the wrists. You need to ensure your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Tighten your core, and keep your back flat.

While you kick your right foot high, make sure that your back leg is still extended and not a ball. Then you must exchange legs. As you straighten the right foot behind you, bring your left knee up to touch it explosively. Continue switching legs rapidly. The feel is similar to that of running.

2. Kettlebell Swing

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The kettlebell swing is a superb exercise that covers multiple muscle groups. It generally targets the glutes, hamstrings, hips, and core. This aids in providing a full-body workout. 

This exercise elevates strength, power, and endurance while also boosting metabolic rate, contributing to fat loss, including belly fat. The Kettlebell swing's powerful movement improves athletic performance by enhancing hip hinge mechanics and body coordination.

How To Do It?

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, gripping the kettlebell with both hands. Hinge at the hips, swinging the kettlebell back between your legs.

You need to drive your hips forward, swinging the kettlebell to chest height. Control the descent by repeating for desired reps.

3. Dumbell Overhead Lunge

The dumbbell overhead lunge targets the body's core, shoulders, and legs. This establishes it as an effective technique for losing belly fat. By holding a dumbbell overhead, it covers the core muscles to stabilize the body.

Meanwhile, the lunging motion strengthens the legs and improves balance. This compound movement elevates heart rate and metabolic rate. This contributes to overall fat loss and enhances muscle definition.

How To Do It?

Begin with your feet hip-width apart and a dumbbell held overhead in both hands. With one foot step forward, lower your hips until its knee and the other’s are both at 90 degrees.

Then through the heel at the front leg, push back into your starting stance and repeat on the other side.

4. Thrusters

Thrusters is a dynamic, full-body exercise that combines a front squat and an overhead press into one fluid motion. This exercise has multiple muscle group targets at the same time.

This makes it highly effective for building strength, power, and endurance. It helps engage your legs, core, shoulders, and arms, contributing to overall calorie burn and potentially assisting in weight management.

How To Do It?

You should begin with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell at shoulder level. Perform a squat, then explosively stand up, pressing the barbell overhead. It is crucial to lower the bar back to shoulder level and repeat.

5. Tuck Jumps

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This is a plyometric exercise that's good for different muscle groups. Tuck Jumps cover explosive movements that can improve your power, agility, and cardiovascular fitness.

Although majorly known as a lower body exercise, core engagement is crucial for stability and control during the jump. Including tuck jumps into your routine can contribute to overall calorie burn, aiding in weight management.

How To Do It?

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width at a distance. Lower your body into a slight squat position, while keeping your back straight. Explosively jump upwards, bringing your knees towards your chest.

Land softly on the balls of your feet, returning to the squat position. Remember to engage your core to protect your back.

6. Froggers

Can you mimic the movement of a frog jumping? Froggers enhance coordination, balance, and agility. It contributes to a higher metabolic rate and aids in belly fat reduction.

This exercise can be easily written in HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) routines, providing an intense workout in a brief amount of time.

How To Do It?

Put yourself in a plank position. Jump both feet forward, landing outside your hands in a deep squat. Jump back to the plank position and repeat.

Your core must remain tight and your back straight throughout the movement to maximize effectiveness and prevent injury.

7. High Knees

High knees is a dynamic cardiovascular exercise that targets the lower body and core while boosting heart rate. This exercise involves jogging while lifting your knees as high as possible towards your chest.

Your core muscles are targeted alongside endurance and overall fitness. Consistent practice can help you in reducing your belly fat issue.

How To Do It?

To perform high knees, stand with feet hip-width apart. Begin jogging in place while driving your knees up towards your chest.

After that, pump your arms in sync with your legs for added intensity. Maintain a brisk pace while the core remains engaged throughout the exercise.

8. Jumping Jacks

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This is a remarkable full-body exercise that promotes your heart rate and burns calories efficiently. As a cardio-based movement, it culminates in overall fat loss, including belly fat, when incorporated into a balanced workout routine.

Even though it's not a targeted fat-burning exercise, jumping jacks are superb for improving cardiovascular health and coordination.

How To Do It?

Start with your feet together and arms at your sides. Bend your knees slightly and jump, spreading your legs shoulder-width apart. Likewise, raise your arms overhead and clap your hands.

Quickly reverse the movement, returning to the starting position. Continue this jumping motion at a steady pace.

9. Broad Jump

Aka standing long jump, Broad Jump is a dynamic exercise that targets the lower body and improves strength and explosiveness. Engaging the glutes, hamstrings, and quads, this exercise aids in building power alongside athletic performance.

This full-body movement also promotes cardiovascular fitness. It can contribute to reducing belly fat by increasing overall calorie burn.

How To Do It?

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and swing your arms back. Explode forward, jumping as far as possible.

Land with knees slightly bent to absorb impact. Repeat for some minutes, focusing on maintaining proper form and maximal distance.

10. Burpee

Another full-body exercise that combines a squat, push-up, and jump. Burpee brings one fluid movement. They are great for burning calories and improving cardiovascular fitness.

By promoting the heart rate and increasing overall strength, burpees can enhance fat loss and overall conditioning.

How To Do It?

Lay up with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body for your palms to rest on the floor about shoulder-width apart.

Kick your legs back into a push-up position, perform a push-up, then quickly reverse the movement and jump up. Repeat the process for some time.

11. Medicine Ball Slam

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Medicine ball packs a powerful punch since this full-body workout combines strength, power, and cardio. It makes for an excellent choice for torching calories and building core strength.

By engaging multiple muscle groups, medicine ball slams can assist you in achieving a leaner physique and improved athletic performance.

How To Do It?

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a medicine ball above your head with both hands. Now, utilize your core and lay the ball down to the ground while bending your knees slightly.

Perform this with a powerful motion. Catch the ball on the bounce and repeat.

12. Treadmill Sprints

Treadmill sprints cover you running at maximum effort for short bursts. This action will be followed by small duration of rest or lower-intensity recovery.

This exercise boosts metabolism, improves cardiovascular health, and effectively burns calories. The intensity of sprints triggers the body’s fat-burning mechanisms, making it a potent tool in fat-loss routines.

How To Do It?

To perform treadmill sprints, warm up with a 5-minute walk or light jog. Then, sprint at full effort for 20-30 seconds.

Recover with a slow walk or jog for 1-2 minutes. Repeat for at least 8 intervals. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.

13. Skaters

A fun exercise that mimics the lateral movement of ice skating. This exercise covers your core, glutes, and legs while elevating your heart rate.

By incorporating a side-to-side motion, skaters help burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness. They are a great addition to any workout routine aimed at losing belly fat.

How To Do It?

To perform skaters, leap sideways to one side and land on one foot while the other foot hovers slightly above the ground.

Switch sides quickly, mimicking a skating motion. Your core needs to be engaged while maintaining a steady, rhythmic pace.

14. Skipping

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The exercise known as skipping is a good way to keep fit. It helps your heart as well as burning some calories. It uses many muscles especially the core, legs, and arms thus improving coordination and agility too.

Skipping increases your heart rate and metabolism which are the most important factors in fat loss and belly fat reduction.

How To Do It?

Take hold of the rope handle then swing it over your head so that it jumps towards your feet. Your jumps should be low and rapid with a light landing on the balls of your feet. Try to skip at least 10 minutes while maintaining a steady beat to burn more calories.

15. Barbell Clean & Push Press

Barbell Clean & Push Press targets multiple muscle groups, including the legs, back, shoulders, and arms. It is an effective method for full-body conditioning. 

The explosive movement elevates strength and power while increasing calorie burn, which can help with overall fat loss, including belly fat.

How To Do It?

Place a barbell on the floor and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a clean by lifting the barbell to your shoulders in one smooth motion. 

Afterward, press the barbell overhead by extending your arms and legs. Lower the barbell back to your shoulders and repeat.

16. Alternating Dumbbell Snatch

Combining strength and cardiovascular training, this exercise is an effective full-body movement that targets various muscle groups. It improves coordination and explosiveness.

Utilizing this exercise helps elevate heart rate and burn calories, establishing it as a valuable addition to any routine aimed at reducing belly fat.

How To Do It?

A dumbbell is needed on the floor between your feet. Bend your knees, hinge your hips, and now grasp the dumbbell with one hand.

In one fluid motion, extend your hips and knees while lifting the dumbbell overhead. Alternate hands with each rep, keeping a powerful core and stable posture throughout the process.

17. Sled Push

Pushing a weighted sled across a flat surface is a superb way to help tone down your belly fat. It also provides a high-intensity cardiovascular workout.

This exercise boosts metabolism and improves overall strength. Its effectiveness for burning calories and reducing belly fat is well-known. Its dynamic nature also helps enhance endurance and power.

How To Do It?

Perform this exercise by positioning yourself behind the sled with feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the handles, engage your core, and push the sled forward with steady, controlled force.

A strong, upright posture and consistent movements are critical. Focus on driving through your legs and keeping your core tight.

18. Farmers Walk

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This superb exercise involves carrying heavy weights in each hand while walking a specified distance. It engages lots of muscle groups, like the core, shoulders, and legs. It also enhances grip strength and stability.

Challenging your body to maintain balance and posture under load boosts overall strength and endurance. It can eventually contribute to fat loss.

How To Do It?

Pick up a pair of heavy dumbbells or kettlebells with a firm grip. Stand upright with your shoulders back and core engaged.

Walk forward for a particular distance or time, maintaining good posture. Afterward, carefully set the weights down.

19. Devil's Press

This full-body exercise mixes the strength and cardio elements to maximize calorie burn and build muscle. It covers a dynamic sequence that goes for various muscle groups, improving fitness and metabolism.

It effectively enhances cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength. This sinister-named exercise will create room for bigger burning of calories.

How To Do It?

Take a dumbbell in each hand and perform a squat while pressing the dumbbells to the floor. Then explosively jump back up, pressing the weights overhead.

Follow promptly with a burpee-like motion, dropping the weights to the floor, jumping back to the starting position, and repeating the cycle.

20. Airbike Sprints

Doing Airbike sprints is a thrilling experience for every fitness enthusiast. By using the air bike, you work both the upper and lower body at the same time. This leads to a higher calorie burn and increased metabolic rate.

Likewise, the variable resistance offered by the air bike allows for a challenging workout that adapts to your intensity.

How To Do It?

Air bike sprints need to be started by adjusting the bike's settings to a comfortable resistance level. Pedal at high speed while simultaneously pushing and pulling the handlebars vigorously.

Aim for some intense bursts of 20-30 seconds in between. Repeat this exercise for several rounds.

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